Cyrus Novak, [Sobek] [Trainee]

Cyrus Novak, [Sobek] [Trainee]

Postby Auddan » Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:01 pm

Player Nickname: Cyrus

Name: Cyrus Novak
Codename: Sobek
Age: 21
Date of Birth: October 23rd

Height: 5'11
Weight: 150lbs
Hair Color: Dark
Eye Color: Dark
Place of Origin: Fort Bragg
Nationality/Race: African American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Cyrus Novak is a fairly easy going fellow with perhaps a slightly over developed sense of duty. Though he's only just learning to truly use his powers for good, he isn't afraid of them, willing to embrace this new and dangerous side of himself. When it comes ot the prejudices of non-mutants against mutants, Cyrus sympathizes with both sides - he understands the fear and suspicion most regular humans might have, and thinks it normal and perhaps even necessary. When it comes to training Cyrus is all business; but with a little urging he's willing to let loose. Though not a cruel or callous individual by any means, calling him 'good' isn't quite accurate either - he does what he feels has to be done, and often worries about the consequences after. Cyrus far prefers peace to war.

Physical Description: Cyrus is...average. Closer to lithe than bulky, but not particularly muscled at all. 5'11, close cut hair, and slightly bigger-than-average feet.


General Power Information: Commander of the Seas. Cyrus' powers are all related to controlling and thriving in water - either by manipulating it as he sees fit, or drawing it out of objects. In addition to this he has a slightly better physiology than most; enabling him to see and operate at depths not normally possible without advanced gear.

Ability One: Hydrokinesis: Manipulate and control liquid water and mold it into any desired shape or form. Using this ability he can manipulate the 'hardness' of the water, enabling him to build walls, weapons, or even walk on it.

Ability Two: Dehydration : Being able to draw water out of objects. At its height, this power would be able to draw liquid out of living creatures from a good distance away - but at the moment, Cyrus can only pull a fraction of an object's water, and can only use this ability on plants that he is in direct contact with.

Ability Three: Aquatic Adaptation: Cyrus' body is adapted to being able to function underwater. This includes being able to breathe water, swim well, endure high water pressure and extreme water temperatures. Currently his abilities would see him able to resist pressure about on par with a highly-trained and experienced diver in full kit, though he can breathe underwater at any depth, indefinitely. This power includes sub abilities like Water-Breathing and Water-Freedom.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Attempting to move too much water causes a great strain on Cyrus' body - much like trying to lift something too heavy for you. The first thing to occur is a nosebleed - then he starts to tremble and shake, even shiver. His body heat falls rapidly, and before too long he'll collapse into unconsciousness. Attempting to move too much water all at once could easily kill him or put him into a coma.

Projected Power Growth & Development: In time Cyrus will be able to swim to deeper depths and with greater speed. His control over water will increase as well, granting him increased control and maneuverability, as well as greater strength/the ability to move much more liquid. At its height he might even pass into the realm of blood-bending; controlling the fluid in a person/plants/animal's body and controlling them therewith. The power most open to development however would be his dehydration ability - as his skill there grows, he will be able to draw more water out of more diverse objects and eventually, one day, even people.

Skills: Cyrus has natural skills at swimming, and his enhanced lung capacity helps with running. But at the end of the day, he's not skilled in much. He doesn't know how to drive, cook, or survive in the wild. He does, however, know a bit about medieval weaponry and history - he can fight fairly well with a polearm.

Background: Cyrus was an army brat, born to Corporal James Novak and Everild Green, a historian. For most of his life he moved from place to place, following a strict regimen of discipline and order. His father trained him like one of his men, trying to harden Cyrus into a 'proper' adult. Everild, on the other hand, was nothing but sweet - and lavished love and praise on her only son. Her love for history - specifically Egyptology - led to Cyrus' choice of a codename; Sobek. His father bore a similar love for things ancient and near-forgotten, and at age 12 began to show Cyrus self-defense, and how to fight with a polearm. The self-defense training didn't stick long, but Cyrus quickly fell in love with the bow-staff, though not it's use in combat. He pictured himself closer to the Tibetan monks he saw on TV; using it for peace, mediation, and defending those in need. When his mother Everild died after a long, debilitating sickness, and his father turned to drink and anger, Cyrus decided it was time to leave home, taking to the road at fourteen. Not long afterward his abilities began to develop.

It began as a faint tugging, formless and indirect, urging him toward the coast. As he traveled he found it was stronger some places than others, but it wasn't long before he realized what he was really sensing: water. One day, while showering in another run-down motel, he did what all of us have done at least once before: he tried to halt the flow with his mind. The only difference was, this time it worked.

His advancement was swift after that, the young mutant testing out his limits in private whenever he could. He discovered that his powers worked like a muscle - the more he trained, and the more he worked at it, the stronger he became. Here the discipline of his father came in handy, and he began a strict regimen, working at his gift day and night. By the time he arrives in Cobalt Hill he definitely can pack a punch - but his finesse is still lacking, deftness abandoned in favour of raw strength.

Criminal Record: None. Cyrus is a model citizen.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Cyrus is a fan of music, particularly Blues/Rock, though his interest is only casual. He also likes history, reading, and occasionally video games, though he isn't very good, and hasn't played many. He fears being buried alive or otherwise contained. Cyrus feels a constant tug to the coast, the vast body of water sort of acting as an internal compass. When using his powers to their fullest extent, his eyes blaze a brilliant white.
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Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:17 pm

Re: Cyrus Novak, [Sobek] [Trainee]

Postby Goldbolt » Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:18 am

Moving this to denied for now, when you return, if you'd still like to play just send a private message <3
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