Midnight Mayhem!

Midnight Mayhem!

Postby Goldbolt » Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:04 am

[20:02] <vile> Even monsters celebrate the holidays! The zombie Nicholas idles around the quad, seated on a bench. Unfortunately, holiday food is simply not on his diet. Maybe some raw reindeer, smoked but uncooked ham...something like that. While some might long for those foods, he doesn't know what he's missing. That crap isn't appealing anyway! But what does interest him is the new hobby he'd recently picked up: knitting. On the bench next to him is a ball of turquoise yarn and in his hands a couple of knitting needles. At a glance, he looks to be making a scarf. It's not very even and it's pretty clear he's a beginner. Every once and a while he dictates what he's doing. Stitch one, pearl two and so forth.

[20:11] * JJ someone was ecstatic and it was over more than the glorious chunk of tech hanging over their heads. SANTA was coming! EEEEEEE! SANTA YAY! JJ was a good boy, he'd refrained form shenanigans, though part of him really REALLY REALLY wanted to hop in on of his auncle's helicopters and fly up there, just like the idea Nick had implanted into his brain was telling him to do. He was dressed up in a coat that looked like the epitome of Christmas - so much green and red and lights... and pictures of snowmen... Poddy wasn't any better... the matching 'bot even had a series of little LEDs all over him. The excited and horrifically clashing looking young techie bladed his way across the quad, wary of walls this time!

[20:13] <vile> Knit, knit, knit. The zombie continues to work, gradually spinning together a scarf. It'll take some time for him to finish, as he's not moving very quickly, but he dutifully knits on. JJ attracts his attention: he looks up and stares at the techie and the abomination of clothing the kid wears. He sighs and drops his attention back to the yarn. Nick slowly shakes his head.

[20:20] * JJ how could one not stare at the glory that was JJ? In that coat? Hard to miss him. In fact the only thing his ensamble appeared to be missing was lights and music. He was just so enthusiastic and giddy over his FIRST Christmas! And there it was... music started, played by Poddy. What was the first song to be played? Feliz Navidad! - don't blame JJ, blame Poddy.

[20:23] <vile> It's pretty hard to ignore JJ with all that zipping around...and noise. Nick sighs again and looks up, narrowing his eyes at the techie. The yarn and needles are lowered, rested in his lap, and he forces a cheerful smile. A hand raises, he waves in greeting. "Hey JJ!" he calls out, hoping to interrupt the kid and stop the goddamn rolling and noise. But he just...doesn't know what to do once JJ joins him, if he chooses to. Drat.

[20:26] * JJ so happpppy and looking like the holiday had vomited on him. But at his name being called he ceased his zipping around and quieted Poddy, walking over to the knitting zombieman. "Hey, Nick! Merry Christmas!" If the kid had a tail it would be wagging. But he didn't so that huge grin sufficed.

[20:33] <vile> "Yes. Of course it is. Happy holidays to you as well. I can see you're having a lovely night. Have you set out some milk and cookies for Santa yet?" The kid believes, after all. Once he has JJ's attention, he picks up the yarn and needles, getting back to work making his scarf. "What religion are you, anyways? You know Christmas is actually Yule. It's pagan. Quite interesting. There were some shows on TV about it today."

[21:34] <JJ> "Very lovely night! Uncle Kev's staying indoors though... It's too cold for him." He shrugged then shook his head enthusiastically at Nick. "Newps! Ashy and I are leaving him out steak and potatoes with a big pot of strong coffee! He needs more than just milk and cookies to get him through a looooong night of driving! Ummm... me? Religion? Idunno... I guess Pagan!"

[21:39] <vile> A nod, "Good that he knows his limits." Knit, knit. A glance up at JJ and he quietly chuckles. "Smart of you two. I hope he enjoys the good meal. Much better than milk and cookies." A brow hikes at the kid's reply about being pagan. He shakes his head and looks back down to the yarn. "You can't just chime out a word like that. I'm guessing you have no religion. It'd be worth learning about, if you're going to be celebrating their holidays. I'm...not. But it's good to know about."

[21:46] * JJ nodded in agreement at that. "Yea! Don't need him getting hurt! Enough of that stuff's happened to him." A grin lit the techie's face. "We hope so too. hmmm? Why not? I celebrate Christmas and you said it's Pagan... Ok then research! But after Christmas!"

[21:55] <vile> "Eh. Yule is pagan. The Catholics made a holiday that coincided with the Pagan's holiday schedule to make it easier to convert them. Easier to change a person's belief system than their designated binging day, it seems." He chuckles and lifts the partially completed scarf up to study it. Lopsided! Well. He's a beginner so it's to be expected. "Religion isn't something to pick on a whim. Yes, wait until after the holiday. I understand there's a nun on campus who's good at this sort of thing. I've heard the suggestion that I should visit her. Perhaps you should, too."

[22:04] <JJ> "Ok..." He snickered though. "Sounds like the Pagans won to me, even if the holiday doesn't go by their name for it." He examined the thing Nick was making, didn't say anything on it but seemed fascinated by its creation. String into a scarf! "It's not? Then how come so many people have one and don't keep changing them around?" He hmmmed again, Poddy buzzed in imitation. "I'll see... but Christmas first!"

[22:08] <vile> "But now they get to see their holiday bastardized by some other religion. It's as much a slap in the face as it is a win." He shrugs and resumes knitting, not giving a fuck about the lopsidedness of the thing. But he pauses, roots through the pockets of his coat and picks out a smallish ball of lime green yarn. Some of that is tied to the blue and he knits again, this time with the green! "I don't know. I imagine some of them do."

[22:24] <vile> "Eh? Oh. I couldn't do this until a couple days ago. I'm learning how to knit. They have books and TV shows to give instruction. Or, once I learn how to not ruin the project, I can show you." he offers with a flashed smile to the techie. "You shouldn't be limited to your powers. After all, if I was? My hobbies would be the worst ever." A brow is lifted at the whole 'JJ is banned from the kitchen' thing. "Er. Mac and cheese on a burger? Well. Unfortunately, I don't know what either taste like but I'm sure you're right. We have different diets." His attention wanders: he resumes knitting his ugly turquoise and lime green scarf.

[22:35] <JJ> "Only a couple of days, wow. I could look up stuff on how to on line too! But live would be great..." He hoped he didn't offened the zombie with that live word. "But my powers are awesome! Look at Poddy! And I've made two others, but no more! I need to be careful. But knitting? No chance that'll come to life with a mind of its own. If I make it anyways."

[23:26] <vile> "Either would work. But you can ask questions to someone if they show you how, instead of a TV show or through a computer." he explains, not seeming to give 'live' a second thought. Poddy is briefly eyed but he goes back to knitting. "Yes, Poddy is quite interesting. I could never make anything like that. But you don't only have to make sentient things. I'd rather not encounter an animated scarf or hat."

[23:37] * JJ laughed. "Yea, not yet anyway... but one day soon!" Poddy knew he was being spoken about and chimed to Nick happily. JJ pet Poddy on the head. "Rest assured Poddy, no more little guys like you until I take some ethics classes and you stop talking about how you're going to be ruler of Earth someday." He looked back at Nick and snickered. "I think there was someone here who could do that..." He eyed his watch.

[23:53] <vile> Nicholas grins when Poddy chimes at him. "Hi there." he says and continues to knit. "Oh dear. Well. If you ever wind up being the ruler of Earth, I'll serve you gladly." A glance up at JJ, he looks at the kid's watch and turns his attention back to the scarf. "Why look at the watch? Can't you tell what time it reads by using your powers?"

[00:00] * JJ Poddy clicked happily at Nick and had his ego pushed up a few notches. "Poddy stop, your head will get too big for your shoulders." He snickered, looked at his watch again. "Yea... but looking at it is normal!" He looked again then nervously all around the Quad.

Session Time: Sun Dec 25 00:00:00 2011

[00:00] * JJ ~~~ The bells tolled midnight. Wait, did Cobalt even have a bell tower? Well there were 12 gongs so I GUESS THEY DID. Once those chimes finished? ALL lights in the quad went out, plunging the outdoors into darkness. Was it another black out? Another attack? Nope! Neither though some might equate it with a form of attack. Then they appeared. Lights! Hundreds of them, thousands! Maybe even millions. All of them blinking in wondrous synchronization with wonderfully orchestrated holiday music blaring from some hidden speakers, also switching in sync depending on the lights. Moving pictures, wondrous designs, whimsy! Trees, Reindeer, Angels, Bells, All sorts of holiday flowers and plants! Created and shaped out of lights. Look over there, on the med center! Reindeer galloping across the wall! And on the Residential building A huge Christmas tree with glittering gold and silver 'tinsel' and a rotating star! On the Admin building? A relief of elves dancing merrily and building toys! Then after a few songs played all the lights went out and the music turned almost somber as slowly, oh so slowly lights appeared on the ground, a target! And a jolly Santa face next to it, and in huge letters 'SANTA LAND HERE!' How did JJ do all this?! ~~~

[00:04] <vile> Nicholas is a pussy. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. The second the lights go out, he stiffens up and tlances around, terrified at what could happen. And then lights! Noise! HORROR! The respawner shrieks like a girl, bolts up to his feet, starts fleeing and...promptly trips over his own goddamn scarf and faceplants on the ground. A mix of the stress and impact totally knock the scrawny prick out. Aaand he's down!

[00:07] <vile> Meanwhile, James glances out the window of his home, sees the what in the fuck is that shit, facepalms and prepares to hear complaints from the garish light display.

[00:08] <AnE> "Your son is a menace."

[00:19] * JJ eyes were lit up more than usual and he looked so happy, wiggling his index fingers in tune with the music and lights, some of which were responding to his thoughts and motions. He hummed too, and Poddy was even acting as yet another speaker, giving JJ and nick a nice little private sounding. Annnd Nick shrieked and passed out. THAT hadn't been planned. JJ eeped. The music and special lights cut off - even had the record sound effect. "Ack! Nick! (*acorns!*) Nick! (*longstringofepithets*)" He would then try and lift the scrawny man and drag him to the infirmary...

[00:21] <vile> Luckily for JJ, Nick has to weigh ninety pounds while sopping wet. Easy to drag! Though bony...and cold. But the limp zombie doesn't fight back and is easily drug to the medical center. Blood dribbles from his nostrils, from a minor nosebleed. But he'll be fine. It's not like he could die.

[00:24] * JJ die again you mean! JJ was mindful of his half knitted scarf, and the needles. If those needles had gotten themselves lodged into Nick JJ might have puked. "Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man.... I'm sorry. Nick!" More epithets came forth! Some rather creative ones too! Ones that were of course linked to his powers. "I didn't mean to make you pass out! It was just a light show! "Infirmary Drones! We have a down zombie!"
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