Witch Hunt pt. 1 Monday, March 19th

Witch Hunt pt. 1 Monday, March 19th

Postby Goldbolt » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:10 am

* HeatherMills heads towards the van while asking on the com. "This sick girl. The guy we are trying to capture, how do you think he can help?"

<Void`> "I want a cool nickname..." Though it's mostly muttered to herself, and not likely anyone heard. Stepping well away from everyone else, she tests the tazor for half a second, just enough to make sure it was in working order. Satisfied, she slips it into the pocket of her skirt and follows after Heather towards the van.

<Buzzard> His lips tighten into a thin, dark frown as he follows after Gina, wearing the heavy black overcoat that he always seems to wear. He's Security, not 'team', so he has no uniform. He doesn't really need one, though. He has everything he needs in that coat. He stops himself from barking something... unpleasant... at the oblivious, chatty girl who seems to have no idea what she's even getting into, but remains focused. He gets into the van and takes his seat, hands folded almost serenely in his lap as he stares forward. He'd prefer to fly there himself, but staying a cohesive unit is important.

<MarloCross> Content with the com's function, Marlo actually starts heading out of the Garage. he can still K-Jump without a charge." where are we starting our search? I can jump around where you need me to look. Just tell me where and I'm there." He snapped his new helmet back into place. Damn nice of JJ to make it for him. With no eyeslits, bullets and dust couldn't get in.

* HeatherMills takes a seat in the back of the van. "You want me to speed it up a little?" she asks no one in particular.

* Sunder Pulls his com out of his pack and slips it in. "Right then, i'll have the van up front in a sec, we're going into town. Anyone who isn't interested in working in pairs and doin right by each other will kindly drop their gear and go back to whatever the bloody 'eck it was you were going to do instead of this shite."

* HeatherMills raises her hand. "I don't have a partner."

<Buzzard> "You. Are staying. In. The. Van." Conrad practically hisses through clenched teeth.

* Sunder looks brad with a smile "She'll be fine, she'll be partnered with me." He looks to heather. "No problem with that right?"

<Nicholas> Sunder doesn't shake his hand. It's not taken personally and he shrugs it off. His free hand slips into one of the pockets of his jacket and the other stays around the grip of his cane. "I'll work with anyone. I'm taking medical duty but I'd prefer to be on the field." He glances between Sunder and Heather before quietly laughing. He slips away then, heading towards the van. He moves with the others, not intending on getting left behind.

<HeatherMills> "What if some thing is threatening the van?" also smiles at sunder. "Hi, I'm heather." she reaches up a few seats to shake his hand. "I can speed the van up if you guys think we need it."

<Gina> "First off, when we get there, I'll go scouting ahead to see what's what. Then we can have a better gameplan." She waits for the van to pull up and gets in as well, taking shotgun. "No, Sunder. She's staying in the van with Shiloh, period. Sorry to pull the 'I'm the boss' bit, but I am." She fastens her seatbelt. "If something is threatening the van, then of course you can defend yourselves, but I don't think that's very likely. Let's go, Sunder. The faster we get there, the faster we can do this."

* Void` climbs into the van and takes a seat in the back, next to Heather. "I'm Shiloh," she offered, since Heather was introducing herself. She practically bounced in her seat like a human-shaped ball of energy, eager to go.

<Buzzard> His eyelid twitches slightly, and then he just can't handle it anymore. "This is not a field trip. Do you understand what we are doing? Why we are going? My fiancé is dying. We are not going into town for... for tea and cakes." Sometimes, that weird German inflection in his voice makes Conrad say some strange things. "We are going to find the woman that is responsible, and we are going to bring her back, alive, and unharmed. And you. Are staying. In the fucking van." His nostrils flare, this is one of the few times anyone has ever seen Conrad actually angry before. The light catches the scarred side of his face as he hisses those last few words, casting a fairly ghastly shine on the ruined flesh. "Do you understand me?"

* Sunder Rolls his eyes.. He was the guy with the van keys, meaning he wouldn't be leaving the damn thing unless something frigging awful happened. If he was tied to the van, so was his partner. "Van's coming up." He'd leg it to the parking structure. Within a few minutes he'd pull it up front and get on the coms "The vans up front, grab your kit an leg it."

* HeatherMills seams as excited as Shilo she leans over and whispers. "This is so much fun."

* Nicholas sighs and takes his spot in the van. "This is going to be a long trip. Nobody ask if we're there yet five minutes into the drive." He presses on the button of his comm unit to speak over it, "Who's in charge? I'd like to know who to listen to." The zombie sounds indifferent to whoever decides to take the reigns. Sisip'd said Gina and Sunder were leading the outing. "Or who am I paired with?"

<MarloCross> Hearing the the mention of partners, Marlo drops his jumping idea and heads back to the Van as requested by Sunder. Popping by the Van, Marlo look for a place to hop in, looking in with his smooth faceless helmet. As soon as a seat was located, He'd hop in and wait to be assigned a partner. He'd also be popping open his helmet and loading up an Dramamine, as leaping tended to bring on motion sickness

Over in Crowley's Row -- things were bustling as usual. When the sun went down, all manner of unusual individual seemed to crawl out of the woodwork. Some colorful, others... questionable. Lanterns gleamed, peddlers peddled their wares, and the smoky smell of burning incense hung in the air. There were people -- mutants and so on, of all ages, young and old roaming the streets, socializing, trying to find that one special bootleg DVD or candle or book... or talisman.

* Void` can't help it. Sitting in the back puts her behind Nick. She leans forward, her face next to his, and quietly whispers. "Are we there yet?" It's more to get a chuckle or a laugh and not really intended to be annoying, but it probably comes across as the latter.

<Buzzard> "Requesting permission to subdue and sedate certain members of the party for the duration of the mission." Conrad says.

* HeatherMills looks at brad and sighs under her breath, 'that family doesn't know how to accept help' she thinks to her self. Giggles at Shilos joke.

* Sunder Drives along, sparing the usual musical addition, as the van had a shit stereo and would ruin his death metal. "Gina's in charge, heather and I will be with the van, anyone who needs help give and shout and we're there as quick as this bucket'll move."

<Buzzard> Conrad conrad's all over the conradding conrad van.

* HeatherMills leans over to sunder. "Your van is shit, want me to fix it?"

<Gina> While she doesn't really see the need for 'partners' per say, she relents just to get things moving. "Conrad and I will pair up. Nick... you're with Marlo. Heather and Shiloh will be together in the van, and Sunder... since you're the odd man out-NO, Conrad-and you want to stay in the van, then you can stick with Heather and Shiloh just in case."

* Sunder glances to heather through the rear view as he pulls into a parking space "Not my van, so we're not messing with the thing."

<Nicholas> Shiloh's joking question makes him crack up with laughter. A wink is flashed back at her and he shakes his head. "No. And, so help me God, if you don't stay in the van I'm turning it around and we're all going home without getting ice cream." It's nice to lighten up the tone even if they're on a serious mission that, if botched, could cost the lives of three residents. But he remains smiling anyway. He looks over at Gina and...quietly hisses when she tells him he's stuck with Marlo. "What did I do to you? You're punishing me. I'm remembering this." A finger is pointed at the woman and shaken. He's not thrilled about the pairing but isn't serious with his bitching. He's going to do as he's told whether he likes it or not...and he doesn't like it.

<HeatherMills> "Whose van is it? Its not hot is it I'm underage if I get arrested I'm screwed."

<Buzzard> "Duly noted. Sunder, please speed very quickly, and ignore toll booths."

<MarloCross> Marlo hears Conrad's displeasure and tries his best to calm the guy," Look, Man. I know how bad you're taking this. I'm not the best guy ta be sayin' this but...We just gotta try ta keep our heads, Okay?" That snap from Sisip had jarred him back to reality. Looking back to Nick, he tries to be civil with his words," We can probably cover more ground If I jump...You ok with that?

* Void` grins. "So there's ice cream when this is all over? I'll hold you to it." And she settles back in her seat.

<Buzzard> He closes his eyes, and nods briefly to Marlo. Of course, he doesn't say anything, but he has a few things stowed away in that coat he always wears, nonlethal takedown equipment. They aren't intended to be used on the old woman, should it come to it.

<Gina> She mouths 'sorry' over her shoulder at Nick, but she winks as well. Thems the breaks? As Sunder parks the van, she looks out the windows, people watching for a moment. "Alright, everyone sit tight and give me a minute or two, please." Her eyes close, and her body slumps in the seat as her astral form leaves it. Where is she going? Well, she's not sure at the moment, so she's looking around for signs of gypsy headquarters.

* Nicholas eyes Marlo and quirks a brow, "I don't know your powers well, Marlo. I just know your reputation. When you say 'jump', I'm assuming that you use your powers to do a...super jump. And you expect me to latch onto your back and cling for dear life while we hurtle through the air. I'm fine with it as long as you know what you're doing. You do...right? Have you taken a passenger before?" There's no use in him falling off in mid-flight to his temporary death! He can't help anyone if he gets put out of commission before they even start the night! He glances over at Gina and blinks a couple of times when he watches her slump. "Huh." he grunts and glances back at Shiloh. "Yes. I'll get us some from the cafeteria."

There's no gypsy headquartes in Crowley's Row -- not that can be seen, anyway. Run down apartment buildings and small shacks that pass for houses, maybe. And there doesn't seem to be anyone milling about who resembles the mystery woman.

<Buzzard> They should look for a house that says NO GYPSIES IN HERE on it.

<Sunder> Right, while we wait for ghost girl gina quick review... No 'urtin 'er, no pickin fights we don't 'ave to, an for gods sake keep your 'eads screwed on tight. These little adventures end with someone not coming home when we don't take care of each other alright?

<Gina> She's back in a moment or two, and her body inhales deeply as she returns to it, sitting up again. "Alright... nothing really stands out. We'll have to do this the old fashioned way, I guess. Marlo and Nick, you guys take the opposite side of the street. See if you overhear anything or see anything that might be... well anything. Conrad and I will take this side." She opens the door on her side of the van and unfastens her seatbelt, moving to slide out onto the sidewalk.

<Void`> "Awesome."

<MarloCross> Marlo nods to Nick, scowling behind the helmet," Yeah. Been learning since I was 8. I'll be good." He So wanted to clobber Nick. It was like when Marlo first came to Cobalt almost two years ago.

<HeatherMills> "I've never done any thing like this before."

<Buzzard> "I know how to bring in a target unharmed." Conrad snaps, but then he catches himself, and sighs. He's on edge, and can only focus on how many things could go wrong tonight. "But... thank you for the reminder, Sunder." He rubs the bridge of his nose, and then unclasps his seat belt, following after Gina.

* Void` turns in her seat to look out the window, but, like a good girl, stays in the van. She's mostly along for the ride anyway and that's fine with her. It's still better than her other plans for the evening, which was a big fat nothing.

<HeatherMills> "We have tazers." holds up her tazer. "AT least I got one of the tazers."

<Nicholas> Marlo wanting to clobber Nick isn't hard to imagine. Hulk-Marlo wants to clobber everyone. The zombie doesn't look particuarly concerned about it. He nods, "Good, good. So we'll do that. Just lead the way. And I am going to be riding around on your back during the jump, right? Or...did you mean 'jump' like teleport?"

<HeatherMills> "Just find her, sneak up on her... and ZAPPPP! shes been tazed. Then we throw her in the van like Tony Soprano and escape into the night. Ohh this is gonna be awesome!"

* Sunder Looks to heather "Course those things 'ave an acurate range of 8 feet, don't work on 'eavy clothing, and she can end you by saying a few words. Let's leave that for last resort, thank our friends with some experience in these matters (He nods towards buzzard) and we'll just jump in if someone call for 'elp and extraction.

<Buzzard> He's still close enough to hear Heather, but he bites back several comments and instead continues after Gina, frowning sourly. "Why are they here?" He whispers to her, staying off comm chatter. "This is lunacy." He's very unhappy that this has been turned into some kind of idiotic field trip.

<Void`> "If she can kill you with words... shouldn't we have earplugs?" She blinks. Surely she's not the first to think of that.

It would be hard to say that nothing looks out of the ordinary, since Crowley's is by all accounts not ordinary! What there are, though, are people. Lots of people. People who may have witnessed the events leading up to the young man being cursed.

<HeatherMills> "I think ditzy doo over here has a good point. Maybe you should tell us what we should expect from her?"

* Gina growls under her breath. "Sisip told me to bring them. Trust me, this was not my decision." She pulls her ponytail tighter and starts up the street, casually eavesdropping on conversations. "I say we talk to a few people. Tomcat, Crippler, chat up a few people on your side of the street and see if they saw anything." Walking up to a couple people doing some window shopping, Gina puts on her best face and smiles. "Hey guys! How's it going? Did you all see the accident the other day? All I saw were a bunch of ambulances."

<HeatherMills> "Ya know I think if I shot a tazer it could probably knock out a horse I think..." shes going to need to try that, not on a horse obviously but perhaps a slab of beef.

<Sunder> That's the rub right there, we don't know what all to expect. Which is why our arses are parking here until we're called in to 'elp out. Now if it was as easy as us just 'aving to not 'ear 'er then we wouldn't 'ave to be so bloody careful.

<Buzzard> Conrad, being the ghastly looking man-golem that he is, isn't really the best for 'street chat', as it were. He hangs back behind Gina, giving her some distance, as he moves to the nearest wall to lean casually against it. Surprisingly, he's very good at becoming inconspicuous, using posture, body language, etcetera. Sure, he still sticks out like a sore thumb, but most people, if they don't WANT to see you, they won't. And very few people want to see Conrad, in general. His black eyes scan the crowd, looking for any clues, anything familiar relating to that videotape. And of course, he's keeping a keen lookout for the old woman herself.

<HeatherMills> "I have no problem. I just had to get out of that prison and wanted to show that depressing bitch I am nice." she huffs. "We should ask the homeless... the homeless know every thing. All they have time to do is watch."

* Void` climbs through the van to take a seat in the now vacant (I think) front passenger seat where she can roll down the window and get a better view of the street. "That's actually what I was thinking. Homeless see everything and I'm sure there are some around."

<Nicholas> While half the group go out to chat up people, Nicholas remains in the car with Heather, Shiloh and Sunder. A smile remains on his face and he starts rolling his cane across his thighs. Either he just likes the sensation, it's something he does when anxious or he's just bored. Either way, he glances around and watches Heather. "Hm? Prison? What prison? You were convicted of something? And what depressing bitch are you talking about?" He looks to Shiloh next and nods, "We could. But you'd have to show them respect. And probably some cash. Do you have any on you?"

The two young women staring into a shop full of candles and crystals look rather puzzled as they look at one another, then at GIna. The first, with blonde curls spiraling down her back, shakes her head, while the short-haired brunette at her side taps her chin. "I read about it in the paper. Some poor guy died, right?" But she otherwise shrugged helplessly and both looked into the store again. There were a number of old people, of course. Some sitting on stoops, some in boxes that were probably their homes.

* Void` turns to look back at Nick and gives him a look like he's crazy and nods. "Of course I have cash." She shifts about in her seat, reaching for the wallet in her back pocket and drawing out a few twenty dollar bills. Since she is forbidde from taking a step out of the van, she hands them to Nick. "Think that'll be enough?"

<Buzzard> Conrad spots the old men in the boxes, and nudges himself off the wall and starts heading in their direction. He walks casually, and though his visage is ugly and scarred, he doesn't appear to be threatening. Well, not as threatening as usual. He crouches down next to one of the men, and clears his throat. "Hello." He says, his voice calm and soft again. "Pickings good tonight?" He decides to start up a rapport with them, rather than go directly into interrogation mode. *Meanwhile, back in his apartment (located conveniently over his bookshop in Crowley's Row), Theodore Montblang is scouring some texts, as well as some lesser well known internet forums, for any more information on blood curses, medieval torture, and the like. It's not like there's some "Witchipedia" that he can go to and look this stuff up. Oh man, he should start that site. Wait, no that's a terrible idea.*

<Gina> "Yeah... I was hoping to find someone who'd seen it. I think the guy was in some of my classes, but I dunno for sure. Thanks anyway!" She certainly looks young enough to be in college, only 22 years old anyway. She heads past the two girls with a wave. Since Nick is still in the van, she dips her chin and lowers her voice, "I'm going to take that suggestion, actually, and ask some of the resident drifters." She fishes in a pocket of her utility belt, and yes, she has a few bucks in there as well. Approaching one of the homeless folks in a box, she smiles. "Hey guys... could I ask you a couple questions?" She holds up the bills, hoping to bait them into talking to her. "I wanted to know if you guys had seen all the ambulances the other day? About a week ago?"

* Sunder Would rub his temples for a moment. A van of fools it was.. But if it was his job to keep them in line so be it. "Stay. In. The. Van. Simple rules, now bloody well follow them!"

* Void` is staying in the van.

<HeatherMills> "I'll stay in the van don't worry."

<Nicholas> "Er. Smaller bills would be nicer. Too much and they'd be inclined to rob you or just lie for money." The cash isn't accepted. He shakes his head, "I'm not sure if I want to interrogate anyone. My looks...er, well. Even in Crowley's, I don't know how well they'll be taken by someone." He gestures out the window to Conrad. When he hears Gina over the comm unit, he smiles. "Good, good." A nod is given to Shiloh and he looks over at Sunder. He can't help but laugh. "Yes, we're staying in the van." At least until Marlo's mun returns! Then he's totally bailing. Maybe. Or until someone screws up and gets a boo-boo.

* Void` shrugs a bit and pockets the money and the wallet. "I can't really say I've had may dealings with homeless people. There either aren't many to be found in the midwest, or you just don't see them. Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention." Again she shrugs and looks out the window, people watching.

"No better'n any other night, Mister." A gruff-looking old guy in a tattered sweater and fingerless gloves, blowing air on his hands every now and again. "My grandson was out huntin' fer some dinner, should be-- ah!" A grimy little boy of about eight came bounding down the street with a triumphant look on his face (with teeth missing) and a styrofoam box. "Grampa! They had chicken wings!" He was wearing an oversized coat, likely given by the old fellow. "Good job, son." Gina runs into a middle-aged woman with long gray hair, lying on her side. An eye opens and she stares up, squinting, "What? Ambulance? See plenty of ambulances in this place."

* Gina crouches down, resting on her laur-er, heels. "I guess some guy died, from what I heard. He was messed up real bad. Did you see it?"

<Buzzard> "That is a good boy you have." Conrad manages something of a smile, and straightens up a bit when the young boy brings food for himself and his grandfather. If circumstances were different, he might be touched, and a little saddened. It reminds him of his own youth, in some ways, scraping to get by on the streets of East Germany, prior to reunification. But he's here for a reason. He reaches into his pocket to produce his billfold, and starts idly thumbing through some small denomination bills. "I am looking for some information." He says, to both the old man and the young boy. "A woman that lives here, an older woman. I would suspect that most people keep their distance from her."

<Nicholas> "Oh, neither have I. But I've seen CSI and stuff on TV." He flips open his leather messenger bag and pulls out a bag of jerky. It's ripped open, a piece taken out and popped into his mouth before he offers the bag to the other people in the car. Yay for sharing! It's unflavored, just plain ol' dried meat. Tasty.

<HeatherMills> "CSI is stupid, do you know that's how people in foreign countries see America?"

"I saw it." A nearly skinny black woman dressed in far too little for the weather snorted as she looked over at Gina. Likely a... working girl. "Yeah. Got stranded by the bank a few days ago -- saw some dude all bloodied up. What a mess." The woman in the box shrugged her shoulders, closing her eyes. | The boy scoots close to his grandfather and pops open the container of half-eaten chicken wings with glee, "Some'ovem are still good!" The older man plucked a piece of spaghetti from the boy's hair, tossing it aside before squinting up at Conrad and chuckling, "Lotta old folks live here, Mister, you're gonna have to be a bit more specific. Most of 'em none too friendly, either. Don't want to mess with most folks in the Row...old or not."

* Void` takes a strip of the offered jerky and chews on it a moment. Not bad. "I prefer Law and Order: SVU and Criminal Intent. Goram is my hero."

<Amber Dahl> Amber decided to get out of the house as it were, walking around town seemed like a good idea till she started to get chased around. She found her way to the mutant sector, the people chasing her didn't follow that far. Running down the sidewalk she passed a non descript looking van, not thinking anything of it but still looking at it as if it were some how out of place. A glow around her making her stick out like a sore thumb.

* HeatherMills sticks her out the window. "Hey kid, who's the scariest old lady in the neighborhood?"

* Gina straightens, thanking the box woman before she approaches the hooker. "Yeah? Did you see where he came from?" She rests her hands on her hips and looks down the street briefly. "Was anyone else with him?"

<Buzzard> "A woman that you might be afraid of." He says, shrugging his shoulders. "Someone that gives you a bad feeling, perhaps? You don't know why, but she does." He looks back down at the two of them, lips tight. He may not get anywhere with these two.

<Nicholas> "I thought people in foreign countries think we're fat gluttons that drink watery beer and watch NASCAR?" He laughs, "I'd rather they think of CSI when they think of us than, well. The actual American stereotype." He takes another piece of jerky and chews on it. He bobs his head and flashes a grin at Shiloh. "Nice. I like Bones a bit more. The wit and snark make it my favorite show."

* Sunder Blinks as a glowing mutant goes running past the vans, staring out of the window for a moment before facepalming... "Right right, let's just go calling attention to ourselves all night - that'll certainly 'elp..." Nick, keep an eye on the crew, I'm going to 'ave a chat with ms bright idea."

<HeatherMills> "NASCAR is a good sport okay, its very subtle... you have to... its complicated."

<Void`> "I haven't watched that one yet. The idea of David Boreanaz being anyone but Angel is still something I'm just not ready for." With a melodramatic sigh she chews a little more on her jerky.

"No. Was by himself. Walkin' down the street and pukin' his guts out. I thought maybe he was a junkie, you know, tryin'a get a fix, but he looked too clean. Schoolboy, you know." She popped her gum loudly, then shrugged, leaning against the wall to the closed shop behind her. The young boy began to tear into the chicken wings, his grandfather snorting in amusement. "Like I said, Mister. Plenty of those around here. Salem, you know -- witches and all that. It's rarer to find a kind soul-" "-like Mother Simona!" "Yeah. She's real nice. Always givin' us food. Ain't seen her in a few days. Hope she's all right."

* Nicholas nods to Sunder, "Okie dokie!" He eyes both Shiloh and Heather, "We're staying in the car, right? Right. And please don't yell out the window. This is also our getaway van. No need to draw unwanted attention to it." He looks back to Shiloh and nods. "True, true. But he's quite entertaining. I'm also tempted to get a belt buckle like his. It says 'cocky' and has a picture of a rooster." But then he couldn't wear his skull or jolly rodgers buckles! Oh well. He could put them in rotation. He laughs at Heather, "Really? It's driving in a circle five hundred times. What's complicated about that?"

<Buzzard> Mother Simona? There's something. He quirks a hairless brow. "What can you tell me about this woman, Simona?" He reaches into the billfold and produces a twenty, folding it between his fingers as he pulls it from the wallet.

* Void` sort of snorts and chuckles at the same time. "Classy."

<Gina> "Yeah... I was hoping to find out where he'd come from or who he was with, but if he wasn't with anyone..." She shrugs and hands the girl a five dollar bill, most of what she had at the moment. She doesn't exactly carry wads of cash in her uniform. "Thanks anyway." The prostitute makes Gina want to go to an ATM and give her more cash just to help, but she knows as well as anyone that you can't change someone's life that way. Instead, she turns bacl toward Conrad and sees him chatting with a couple people. "Anything good? Not much here from my end, just that he was alone when he came stumbling out, and very sick."

"She's gotta be at least a hundred years old!" The boy pipes up, and is soon rewarded by a gentle thwap on the back of his head. "Manners, Petey. Mother Simona's been here since... well, since before I called this block home. She's a real... gentle soul. Doesn't say much. Lives a few blocks down, if I recall." "Yeah! That way!" The boy, chicken wing between his teeth, points to the south before greedily snatching up another one. "Petey's gone to see her a few times, helps her with her gardening. Me? Not so much. Legs don't work as well as they used to." He gives a pat to one of his nearly-dead legs. The hooker, who's name is probably Chontalle Crystale DuVay or something, tucks the five in her bra, because why not.

<Buzzard> "I think I have something." He mutters into the comm in response to Gina, after turning away, then looks back to the two homeless, the grandfather and the young boy. He crouches down again. "It is very important that I speak with Simona, can you give me her address?"

* Sunder Exits the van, keys shoved in pockets. he actually looked fairly normal, jeans, black t-shirt. No glowing goggles, or tons of spikes, it was as incognito as the metal head got. He'd walk along at a fast walk, wanting to get a bit away from the van before flagging down the glowing girl.

* Gina nods, and speaks up a bit to let the others know the sitch. "TomCat, Sunder... we think we've got something here. Waiting for Buzzard to finish talking to a couple people, then we'll see." She does her best impression of random girl on the street, standing and looking into some of the shop windows, meandering closer back in Conrad's direction.

"Uhhh..." The boy blanks out, and maybe drools. "Engh. Petey's not so good with numbers and words. Got a sharp memory, though, like a tack. He can show you if you want...?" The old man offers, glancing over at Gina as she comes up behind Conrad and giving her a once-over. Twice-over. Three-times-over.

* Gina is suddenly back behind Conrad. That just happened.

<Buzzard> "Yes." He stands again, and pulls another twenty from his wallet. He gives one each to the man and the boy. "Yes, please. I need to speak with her."


<Buzzard> "Yes." He stands again, and pulls another twenty from his wallet. He gives one each to the man and the boy. "Yes, please. I need to speak with her."

The boy scrambles to his feet, practically wetting himself with excitement over the money, which he pockets. As does the old man, of course. "Come back soon, it's past yer bedtime, kid." Petey nods enthusiastically, then smiles at Conrad. Obviously, Oldman McHobo was seeing things. Like...visions of random pretty ladies. The boy swerves past Conrad, waving at him to follow as he starts down the block.

<Gina> "We're moving. Following someone who knows... something." She lets the others know what's happenin, and starts off after Conrad. "Heading up the street from where you guys are. Sunder... can you follow us a bit and repark closer?" She doesn't know he left the van, or what the kid told Conrad either, but she's right behind him.

* Sunder Curses for a second and taps on his comm "Make sure you give me crossstreets so I can find you guys.. Got a glowing mutant from the school tearing off down the block, might be trouble might not i'm making sure.. Nick, move the van up, keys are in the ignition" He'd go jogging off after tella, intent on catching up fast instead of staying a bit less suspicious

<Buzzard> "We will only be a few moments." He says to the old man, before striding off to follow the young boy, Petey. He quickens his pace to keep up with the enthusiastic youth.

<Nicholas> "I'm the epitome of classy." Considering he's in a fancy suit complete with a vest and pimp cane? He actually is! A shame the crap that comes out of his mouth doesn't exactly fit his manner of dress. "Right-o." is chimed into his comm unit when Sunder tells him to move the van. It doesn't take the scrawny man long to hop out of the van and into the front seat. The vehicle's turned on and he follows orders, moving the thing a bit further up the street to where everyone else is. And, unfortunately, not to an ice cream shop. Yet at least.

"Down here!" The boy rushes into a long alleyway that lies between a laundromat and a candle shop. Instead of having a brick wall or simple fence there, an intricate iron gate was situated, much like one leading to someone's house. Had that been there when they first showed up...? Maybe they overlooked it! Beyond the fence, it's... rather hard to see, almost as though everything's been shrouded in mist.

<Amber Dahl> slowed down, breathing heavily before stopping completely. Turning around she saw someone jogging after her, not feeling like running anymore her glow became brighter as she prepared to send a not so friendly beam of energy at the person following her. "Who are you? What do you want? Stop chasing me!" Clearly drawing some attention to herself but not her intention exactly, a small orb of energy gathering in the palms of her hand that was outstretched toward the approaching Sunder.

* Sunder Stops in his tracks, oh he's seen such beam buildups before, and he wasn't resistant "Bloody 'ell... this is not the time or place to put on a light show, got enough trouble already without asking for more. We've got three lives we're tryin to save as is, turn off the works an come along."

<Gina> "This... doesn't look right." Muttered to Conrad as she catches up to them, standing in front of the misty looking gate. She has an uneasy feeling, but who wouldn't? It's not like they have to deal with magic, let alone curses, everyday. "Who did you say lives here?" The question is directed toward the boy.

* HeatherMills shifts back and forth. "I want to do some thing ya'll."

<Amber Dahl> "Saving lives? Who are you?" A glow around her pulsing as she shook slightly, clearly nervous but still not backing down.

<Void`> "How about a game or something?" Thought she doesn't really have any to suggests, so she just kind of shrugs.

* HeatherMills looks over at void, in a way nick can't see and winks.

<Nicholas> "So do I. But we're staying in the van. Too many people would attract too much attention. I know it's boring but we're backup." He turns around, props up his elbow on the side of his seat and looks back at the two women left in the car. A friendly smile is given to them both. "A game? Yeah, sure. What kind of game?"

<HeatherMills> "Whats your guys powers?"

<Sunder> "Sunder, from the sanctum team. You're there right, ought to be.. listen middle of the street is not the place, now quiet voices an let's just take a walk down the block." any cover they had was probably blown, best he could do was stay the hell away from the van and follow along on the comm incase things changed. he would turn down a side street, walking along like nothing was wrong.

<Buzzard> "Something is not right." He replies to Gina. It's gnawing at him, has been for a few days now. Willow, and now Kayla and Isabelle, they weren't targets for this woman's wrath, if indeed it is wrath.

"Oh. Mother Simona. Sometimes I help her plant herbs and then she buys me a cupcake from the bakery. Grampa can't eat them, cuz of his diabeetus." Petey says, idly picking his nose. He doesn't eat his boogers, though, he just sort of flicks them away and wipes his hands in his torn jeans. Luckily for those still wandering the streets, Crowley's is full of unusual characters, and unlike on the main streets of Salem, nobody bats an eye. It was no wonder that many mutants chose to make a home here.

* Void` shrugs. "I dunno. All the car games I know require a constant change in scenery to get anywhere. And I left all of my card decks at home." She turns in her seat so she's sitting sideways, with her back to the door and her legs between the two front seats. "I can use shadows to teleport."

<Nicholas> "I heal people. But not things like paper cuts and scrapes. I only handle life-threatening injuries. Mortal wounds, catastrophic damage that could cripple a person if left untreated. Things like that. And you two?" He nods to Shiloh and grins. "Sounds quite useful. And yeah, I don't have any cards on me. I just have a phone that I play Tetris on."

<Gina> "Thanks for showing us where she lives. Does she accept visitors?" Gina turns to look at Conrad, her back more or less to the boy, and gives him a look that clearly says 'W T F.' She looks back at the gate, trying to peer beyond it. "I need to use the restroom. I will be right back." She needs to have a look at this place is what she means. Luckily, there's got to be a coffee shop open somewhere that she ducks into and heads for the bathroom.

<HeatherMills> "I make things work better, machines, computers, sponges. If I tried I could probably make the van go 300mph and get 70 miles to the gallon."

<Amber Dahl> "What?.." lowering her arms and following him she managed to shut her glow down to a soft whisper as she followed behind him. "What are you talking about saving lives? What is going on? First thing I'm getting chased by some angry people like pitch forks and such cept without the you know and then you're here.. I couldn't even go shopping properly." Yeah, shopping was her main concern as opposed to being chased by an angry mob.

<Buzzard> "Thank you, Petey." He says to the boy, after he leads them to Mother Simona's home. He pauses for a moment, and then turns to the youth again. "There is a shelter not far from here. You and your grandfather could go there." He doesn't say anything more than that, and simply shrugs. As Gina dashes off, he frowns, knowing what she intends to do. He speaks through the comm. "She may be able to sense your... other self. This may not be wise."

<Void`> "Holy hell, I'd love a car with that kind of gas mileage. Gas prices are rediculous." For a moment she'd forgotten about that last bit of her jerky, but now she finishes it off. Then a though occurs to her and she claps her hand, sitting up a little straiter. "I know! We can play Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock!"
<HeatherMills> "I don't know the rules really." she relaxs back in her seat and uses her power to increase the comfyness level of the van an amazing 200% "Are you guys 'cool'" she asks slyly.

<Gina> "Shit. I hadn't thought of that." She shuts herself into a stall, but stands there for the moment. "What else would you suggest?" She's not sure just knocking at the gate is a good idea anyway, but... what else to do?

<Buzzard> "I would suggest we knock." He says. Something is nagging at him about this whole thing. He's wishing, now, that he'd taken more time to try and find out who the boy that she'd initially cursed was, and what he might have done to deserve it.

<Nicholas> "Ha. Nice. My car could use an upgrade like that. One of my friends suggested I take drag racing as a hobby. I'm pretty sure nobody else would like me doing something like that but, well." The zombie laughs and crosses his legs at the knee. He stifles a yawn and sinks into his chair, letting his pale dead eyes drift shut. "Hm? Yeah, sure. Why not? So it's rock-paper-scissors but with more variables?"

<HeatherMills> "My dad was a race car driver, he had... an accident. Wouldn't spock defeat every thing. I mean I fail to see a piece of paper and some scissors taking down a decorated starfleet officer. Unless he was running with them, but he wouldn't that that, its illogical."

<Sunder> Long story, an no time. If the mob is still chasing you we've got trouble. Now I don't see 'em so my guess is we're good for now so long as you don't send up the flares an let 'em in on where you are. So we pick a side street, stay quiet, an hopefully in very short order we'll 'ave a nice quiet ride back to the sanctum, sound good?

Petey blanks out, tilting his head, "I dunno. She lets me come over." Conrad's mention of the shelter has him wincing, "Grampa can't walk so good. Anyway, I should get back. G'night!" Turning on his heel, he dashed off toward his box. The gate's still there, looking terribly out of place but not particularly ominous.

<Void`> "Drag racing is on my bucket list. I freaking loves cars and I love driving. Anyway, yeah. You have the addition of lizard," she holds her hand out, fingers strait and touching her thumb, like a creature mouth. "and Spock." She again holds up her hand, this time with her fingers split down the middle in Spock's signature hand gesture. "All the rules are the same, but with some additions. Rock crushes lizard. Lizard poisons

<Gina> "Alright. Well, we know where she is, at least." Gina comes back out of the coffee shop, speaking to the others as well. "Alright guys, we found a possible lead, but we're gonna check it out another time after we discuss it. Heading back to the van now." And she starts back toward where they'd parked, looking up the street to see where Nick had parked now.

<Void`> Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitate lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. And Spock vaporizes rock. Make sense?"

* HeatherMills fishes a newport menthol one hundred from a soft pack in her jeans and flicks it light with a mini bic. "I wonder if they found her."

<Buzzard> Conrad pauses and looks at the building again, memorizing its features. He smells the air around him, but he doesn't pick up any unsavory scents, at least not unsavory by Salem's standards. He frowns slightly, and then follows after Gina. They should come back during the day, when it's less suspicious, anyway. He'd rather try talking to the woman first, instead of immediately bringing her into custody.

<Amber Dahl> "Yeah I guess... so what exactly are we all doing out here? Saving people again? If that's the case I'll try to stay out of everyone's way." Making her hair more well kept looking rather than it being all frizzled out of control, catching her breath as she walked slowly behind Sunder.

<Nicholas> "No smoking in the van." A finger is wagged at Heather, "I may smoke but not everyone else does. And I bet they don't want the van to smell like stale cigarettes tomorrow. Put it out." He looks back to Shiloh and smirks. "You can come with me some time then. Whenever I get my anklet off. It'd just be evidence against me. Sounds like we don't need a game to play." He presses his comm unit and speaks into it, "Sounds good." And he gets back out of the van and goes back to the original seat he'd been in. Another piece of jerky is popped into his mouth.

<HeatherMills> "Can I just stand outside the van and smoke Nick?"

* Sunder Listens and then taps on his comm "Then lets gather everyone up right quick and be quiet on the way back, our friend who was running through town was dodging a bit of an anti mutant mob. I'll suggest we drive back the long way." he smiles to amber "Right, come along then let's get everyone 'ome safe an sound and then we can 'ave explinations"

* Void` mock pouts a little as he says they no longer need a game. So she climbs back through the van, over the seats and to the back instead of just getting out and walking around. But she was told to stay. in. the. van! In the back she flops down into the seat and leans forward, draping her arms over the back of the seat in front of here, next to Nick. "What's the anklet for?"

<Amber Dahl> "What? Sure.." Looking over her shoulder every few steps as she followed behind Sunder.

* Gina She spots the van and heads toward it, Conrad right behind her. "I think we might have... misunderstood what happened? I don't know. But we'll do some more checking into the victim and come back. There's an older woman who lives down the street, name's Mother Simona, but she doesn't sound... she doesn't sound like the malicious type. She helps the homeless kids around here." Once she's back at the van, she climbs inside and buckles up again.

<Nicholas> "Nah. We'll be home soon enough." he tells Heather and flashes a warm smile to her. And he turns his attention to Shiloh while quietly chuckling. "It's to track my movements. I prefer to wear it just in case something happens. I was rescued from, well." He shakes his head, "Wearing it makes me feel comfortable."

* Sunder Leads amber to the van and pulls open the rear door "All in, nick you good for the drive?" He'd move up carefully through the rather full van towards the front "or want to swap out?"

* HeatherMills chucks it out the window . "Lame. If we have to fight her and I don't get a cigarette I'm never listening to you again."

* Nicholas's already in the back seat. "You drive." he chimes to Sunder and laughs. "We're not fighting her tonight. We just got her location. We're regrouping and coming back at a later date after we gather more information. We're not running into this blind."

<Amber Dahl> stepped into the van, not having a single clue as to what the heck is going on. Keeping quiet she sat and let the others do their thing while she tried not to make a scene.

<Void`> "Ah..." It didn't make much sense, but it was his business and she wasn't going to pry. "But we're still getting ice cream, right?"

* Sunder He'd start up the van, sliding it into gear and looking about "Well, not one nick or scrape in the lot. I'd say it's been a damn good evening." He would pull the van into the street, taking the opposite way amber had come running from out just to make sure they didn't find an angry mob on their way back. "'ate these rush jobs.. So we've got something useful right gina?"

<Gina> "Oh, yeah. Well, at least I think we do. It's a possibility anyway. Conrad got some information from a little boy and his grandfather, and the kid lead us up the street to this weird... place. It's a gate, but behind it, it looks all misty." She shrugs. "Couldn't really see anything, but Conrad was right. Me projecting would have been a bad idea just in case she really it a witch type and can sense that sort of thing. We'll come back during th day and, well, knock, I guess."

<HeatherMills> "So no action? Meh maybe thats for the best."

* Sunder glances to heather through the rearview "Not yet. If we know where to go we can take a sec, put together a proper plan and come back.. though.." he'd glance to gina. ".. if this was an alley with a fog machine in it i'll be bloody disappointed." The van would come around to park in front of the sanctum. No crazy driving, no blaring death metal... he'd just have to 'borrow' it and install some speakers for the next run.

<Nicholas> "Yep! Real good night. Got the info, nobody hurt. Didn't get the old woman but that's just for another night." He looks happy enough about how things went. He nods to Heather and shrugs, "Yeah. But not every night's going to end with excitement. Next time yes. Probably. When we actually go after the old woman." He nods to Shiloh, "Yep. I'll get you some once we get home."

* Gina Looking over her shoulder and around the seat, she shoots Heather a look. "We prefer for there not to be action. The less people come back hurt, the better." Not that she's opposed to kicking ass, but she'd rather resolve this quicly and with as little possibility for more sick folks as possible. When they arrive back at the Sanctum, she hops out of the van. "Thanks for driving, Sunder. I'm headed off to put in a report for Sisip tomorrow. And thank you, Nick." With a wave, she trots off. Sleep.

<Void`> "Sweeeeet." Pleased, she leans back in her seat and relaxes for the ride back.

<HeatherMills> "If you need help with the speakers or any thing I don't mind helping, for like 20 bucks or so. I get a student allowance but its really just enough for food honestly."

<Nicholas> waves to Gina and gets out of the car when arrive too. "Anytime." Even if he hadn't done anything! He quietly yawns and stretches. "Arrrg. So that ice cream...I think I'll get some sherbert." He looks over at Heather, "Would you like some ice cream, too?"

* Sunder Brushes a hand through his hair, taking a breath. It was a lot for only a couple hours, a close friend was going to die if they didn't bring the woman in, and even then it might not help. Heathers words would bring a little chuckle though "Oh I install the things for a living, I'm sure they won't mind if I jerry rig some spare gear in their van.. Okay they'll kind but they won't quite kick my arse for it." He'd climb out of the van. "Now I think it's time for a little whiskey.."

* Void` climbs her happy ass out of the van and streeeetches. It may have been a short trip, but still sucks sitting in a vehicle that long. "Ooooh, sherbet is tasty."

<MarloCross> Marlo hadn't been able to help much, He was still leaping around Salem, not going back with the others. THat's the thing about mental unbalanced people: THey go a bit too far. He'd removed the helmet and was now walking around the weirdo hippy district that he and Kayla had gone to to find the preserved kitten mutoid thingie in a jar...

* HeatherMills rides in the van relatively content with her little adventure, then heads to her dorm for sleep.

* Nicholas shuts the door to the van, tucks his cane under one of his arms, jams his hands into the pockets of his pimptastic jacket and strolls back into the Sanctum, heading for the cafeteria. Right where their night started! "Sherbert for us both then? What kind? Raspberry-lemon, rainbow, strawberry, pineapple, pina colada? Mmm. They all sound quite delicious." His tongue, a strange pale blue color, is run across his cool-toned lips. Tasty.

<Amber Dahl> was just about to leave the van when the door was shut infront of her. "Oh ok, I'll just stay here then..." sitting back into one of the seats.

* Void` reaches out and hooks her arm with one of Nick's, only adding to the whole pimpalicious look by being a.) a young and at least moderately attractive girl, b.) wearing a very mini miniskirt, and c.) four inches taller thanks to her super high sneakers. I'm not sure how the latter adds to the look, but it does. "Mmm... I think... Rainbow? Yes. Definitely rainbow."

*Nicholas When Shiloh links her arm through his, he quietly chuckles. The pimp cane is removed from his arm, given a twirl and lightly tapped on the ground in a theatrical manner. He doesn't need it to help him walk so it's all just for show and adds to the look. Odds are, she's taller than he is! Nick's a small guy, after all, and doesn't have heels on. "Rainbow sounds great. I'll probably get some of that too." He nods once and leads the way to the cafeteria, intent on carrying through with his promise. Sherbert isn't ice cream but it's close!

<MarloCross> The night was getting close to day, and Marlo had a flight lesson in the morning. With a final jump, Marlo sends himself soaring toward Cobalt Hill. He made sure to target areas free of people, rooftops that could hold him and avoided pools at all costs. In mid Jump, he cracked on his com," Anyone still out and about?"

* Void` is one inch taller without the shoes, and four inches taller with them. This she found mildly amusing. Then there's a voice in her ear and she jumps, the com forgotten and until now. She blinks a few times, then realizes what it was and laughs at her own surprise. Onward they went to the cafe.
* Nicholas The comm units! Alas. Left in the van where they belong. Nick's not going to be answering Marlo's call anytime soon: his other unit is at home in his apartment. When they get to the cafe, he glances around to gauge which place is going to be the one most likely to have sherbert. Selecting one, he heads towards it and scans the menu. A-ha! Sherbert. "Two medium cups of rainbow sherbert please." The order is chimed and he fishes out his wallet, pulls out a ten and sets it on the counter.

<Void`> "So, you like jerky, sherbet, and really rare meat. What else do you like?" As the sherbet is served up, she unlinks her arm to take up the little cup and scoop a spoon of swirling icey color into her mouth with a happy little sounds of satisfaction and a smile.

<Nicholas> "Raw vegetables and fruit. I prefer warm raw meat that's still bloody." he explains and pockets the change once it's returned to him. His sherbert is picked up along with a spoon and he heads over to a table, flops onto a chair and crosses his legs at the knee. "And learning things. I enjoy learning and finding new things to enjoy. Hobbies, ways I can serve the residents of Cobalt. Anything, really."

<Void`> "Cool, cool." She walks along and takes a seat opposite Nick, leaning forward and resting her elbows on the table. Another bite of sherbet is taken. For a moment she's at a lost for what to say next, a rare stall in her conversational skills.

* Nicholas His own spoon is picked up and dug into the sherbert. He looks amused by her short response and he just takes this time to enjoy his tasty, tasty sherbert. And enjoy he does! It's quite delicious and he appreciates it. A quiet noise of pleasure escapes him as he savors the taste. Another spoonful is taken and popped into his mouth. He goes quiet, leans on the table and lets his eyes fall partially shut. It's a good night! And one that's gone quite a bit better than he'd expected.
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Witch Hunt pt. 2 Monday, April 2nd

Postby Goldbolt » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:19 am

[21:19] * [Wormwood] nods to Sisip without a word and barely glances in Marlo's direction before walking around back to load up his large back case, then gets in behind it. When Marlo climbs in beside him and asks, Worm looks at the bruser and answers flatly, "Lets not find out."
[21:20] * Brad (Brad@bzf-309-396-569-927.sc.res.rr.com) has joined #CH*Beyond
[21:22] <Sisip> The van pulls up a block or so away from Mother Simona's house, wanting to give Wormwood and Marlo enough cover of dark to unload what they needed and start the setup. Looking over to Sunder and Herbst Sisip gives a bit of a nod. "Ok, Marlo, Worm, when you're done send me a text. Phone's on soft vibrate so I'll feel it. Marlo, you do what Worm needs you to do, no backtalk. Keep him
[21:22] <Sisip> safe." Climbing out of the van the woman clears her throat, "Okidoki, let's get this show on the road. Smile Sunder, Herb." And off she heads, waiting for the two to catch up.
[21:23] * Sunder Sits quietly for a moment, trying to prepare himself. No spikes, no metal voice, this wold be.. difficult. He'd look to herbst, offering a hand "Sunder by the way.. or.. I guess it ought to be malcom till we get back to the van eh?"
[21:25] <Lanse> "If I must speak, I vould suggest staying vith mine nickname." He remarked as he hopped- or rather dragged himself- out of the car. "Und making mine full name Herbert. Dr. Herbert Grunenbaum." He glanced over to Sunder in a lazy fashion and lifted a hand to shake. "Herbst in truth. A pleasure. Go on ahead, I vill enter in a few moments und peruse at mine leisure."
[21:26] <AnE> The city of Townsv- er, Salem. Or, more specifically, Crowley's Row. The streets bustling as usual, the homeless scattered about, searching for their next meal, mutants and 'normies' mingling freely. Good times. The house was not in an obvious spot, no -- in order to get there, they'd need to walk down an alley, no more dark and ominous than any other alleyway, but at the end of this one
[21:26] <AnE> was an iron gate and a heavy fog surrounding it.
[21:28] <MarloCross> "Got. No Crippling." He was sounding very nervous. In reality, he was afraid of screwing this up. It would mean death for Kayla. He figited and reached for the hersey bar in his pocket. He hated chocolate, but ate it when he was stressed out.
[21:28] <MarloCross> Got it*
[21:28] <Lanse> "Or perhaps not. I zought this vas a shop. Mine apoligies. Lead ze vay, Miss Vebster."
[21:29] * Lanse is now known as Herbst
[21:29] * [Wormwood] nods and hops out, pulling the heavy case out and popping the latches. Inside the case is a wide variety of equipment, some of it looks pretty cutting edge, but other stuff looks like it was pulled from the 1920s, flash bulbs and all. Each item is attached to straps and pouches for easy transport. He pauses a moment and then hands a bundle of cords and microcameras to Marlo as if
[21:29] * [Wormwood] it's the most difficult task in the world, "Don't break anything." is all he says before heading in the direction of the woods nearest the house.
[21:30] <[Wormwood]> ((scratch woods... make that... alley?))
[21:31] <Sisip> Yeah, that's not ominous at all, the alley way, the fog. Where was the clattering of trashbins and the black cat yeowling as it runs from trespassers? Clearing her throat she resists the urge to take Herb and Sunders arms in a very Wizard of Oz fashion as they head into the alleyway and towards the gate. When reaching it she extends a hand to gently poke at it, not wanting to risk it
[21:31] <Sisip> being electrified.
[21:34] * Micah (Bonham@g000345d2.tmodns.net) has joined #CH*Beyond
[21:36] <AnE> Luckily for Sisip, this gate is not electric. But it does give very easily. A loud, squeaky sound can be heard as it creaks open, the fog far too thick to properly see through.
[21:37] <MarloCross> Ouch. That hurt. But it was well deserved. Marlo WAS Cobalt Hill's personal wrecking ball. An Insurance Nightmare in many cases, even when he did save lives. He just nods the affirmative to Wormwood. He was realy trying to turn over a new leaf here, whatever that expression meant.
[21:38] * Sunder Well he was along for the ride, holding onto sis' arm and for the most part staying quiet and following her lead. Try not to scare the old lady, that was all he was worried about.
[21:39] * Brad (Brad@bzf-309-396-569-927.sc.res.rr.com) has left #CH*Beyond
[21:39] <Herbst> Herbst followed, only lagging behind slightly as he made his through the area. He was relatively nonplussed by the locale- at least outwardly. Who know what the German was thinking!
[21:42] <Sisip> With the gate opening easily sisip plows ahead, sparing a glance over her shoulder to see if Marlo and Worm were doing their bit. Pushing through the fog she sighs, "Don't let go, Sunder, if I trip on something I don't want to hit the ground." She wasn't sure about Herbs reflexes but considering he was so slow she wasn't confident that he could catch her in time. Squinting the injin
[21:42] <Sisip> raises a hand and very gently swirls it around, creating enough wind to shift the fog out of their way. Go wind power!
[21:42] * [Wormwood] looks to where the others have entered their alley and makes a b-line for the fire escape next to it, stopping now and then to attach cameras in concealed locations that take full advantage of shadows indirect line of sight. He speaks quietly to Marlo as he goes, "Don't take this the wrong way Mr. Cross, but in spite of Sisip's orders, I wont have you taking me anywhere, understand?
[21:42] * [Wormwood] Nothing personal, I just don't trust you." he looks up at the fire escape, "Speaking of heights though, I need you to take three units up to the roof and place them so they face down toward the alley. One for each exit and one for the door to the old lady's place. They have lasers for alingment, just make sure the dot is in the general area of what we want to see and then press the button
[21:42] * [Wormwood] and it will engage the feed and turn off the laser."
[21:43] * Sunder His grip was pretty firm, and he'd look about as the fog lifted "So.. aside from the special effects kinda normal innit?"
[21:46] <Herbst> "Depends on your definition of normal.." He murmured as he looked around. "But ze fog does make it hard to spot runes or charms- but unless ze are carved in stone, most set outside do not last long."
[21:47] <AnE> It might have been normal for anywhere else. But as the fog clears, something certainly seems... off. For one, it's daytime -- at least, the area surrounding the house seems to be under some daylit facade, though it has an obvious 'border', and if one looks the right way they can see the night sky peeking through. Clear, warm, pleasant. The house itself is picturesque, but old, like
[21:47] <AnE> something built ages ago and left behind as the city progressed around it. A small garden out front, an empty doghouse, an old picket fence, a powder blue door with an oversized knocker.
[21:47] <MarloCross> Marlo nods and takes said video units and turns toward the fire escape. Inside he was a seething inferno. He wanted to lay waste to this pretentious technoweenie for shoving this down his throat. he was here to help save the girl he loved, not to pad Worm's ego. But, He did nothing. He just nodded when given the instructions. He even said," Point it with the laser, hit the button
[21:47] <MarloCross> . Got it." He was piloting choppers. This shit seemed a piece of cake. Up the fire escape he went, setting to task.
[21:51] <Sisip> Her lips drop open as she blinks at the house, obviously not having expected that. "Well boys, it's all or nothing." She's about to start forward when the empty doghouse clicks in her mind. Hesitation is obvious as she stares at it. Well, attack dog or not the woman nods to Herbst and Sunder and heads up to the huge knocker. She wasn't about to let anyone else run the risk of ticking
[21:51] <Sisip> off the old woman. Knock knock knock goes the knocker!
[21:53] <Sunder> Well shite.. so much for the norm.. (he sighs as he alley becomes a daylit house.. This whole magic and him were not going to get along very well. Couldn't she just have a bunch of LED lamps? They made so much more sense.. His grip on sis' arm tightened more)
[21:56] <Herbst> Herbst found the set up to be very interesting, glancing around in his subtle fashion as he trailed Sunder and Sisip, nodding to himself before mismatched eyes focused on the door.
[21:56] * [Wormwood] begins setting up an old wooden tripod with a camera that looks like it had been around for the better part of a century. He sets up some rather odd looking film and then loads a flashbulb loaded with some kind of powder not normally used for such a device. He faces the whole thing towards the door from a ways down the alley and then attaches a string to the shutter mechanism and
[21:56] * [Wormwood] begins to unwind the line. He wouldn't look up at Marlo as the bruser set up the multi-spectrum cameras, but he kept a mental eye on him anyway. Marlo being on the roof was more than a way to get some distance between the two, it put him in an ideal tactical position should things go south. Worm on the other hand was center stage in the alley, which he could manage, depending on just what
[21:56] * [Wormwood] they were up against. He uses the string to set up a trip wire a fair distance away from the house. If they came running this way, the old machine would have a suprise for anything chasing them.
[22:00] <AnE> Knockknockknock. For what seemed like forever the three at the door would receive no response. But eventually, the sound of creaking floorboards could be heard inside, a dim yellow light flicking on inside. The door opened, and...! It was an old lady. She matched the picture, down to the long curly grey hair and the limited number of teeth, some gold. Her eyes were pale blue with cataracts,
[22:00] <AnE> a pair of enormously oversized glasses resting on the bridge of her crooked nose. The woman, barely reaching five feet tall, shorter still due to her hunch, peered curiously out the door -- or, that's where she seemed to be looking anyway, it was hard to tell. She croaked out a soft, "Hello? Who's there?"
[22:00] * Shannon is now known as ShoAFK
[22:02] <MarloCross> Marlo succeeded with little trouble in setting up each camera, obeying the instructions to the letter. Too much was at stake for him. Once it was done, Marlo simply walked to the edge and stepped off. He was so focused, so locked into this one purpose, that his powers felt 'heightened' for just a moment. He caught himself with his kinetics, slowing his descent to land with little
[22:02] <MarloCross> sound. He turned to Worm and said simply, with very little hint of an accent," Done."
[22:05] <Sisip> "Uhm, Mother Simona? My name is Sisip Webster. My friends are Malcom and Herb, we're from Cobalt. Could.. we sit down and talk with you for a bit? I promise we won't take up much of your time." She gives a gentle squeeze to Sunder and Herb's hands, her voice soft and hopefully gentle sounding.
[22:08] * Sunder Glances to sis for a second. The direct approach? Probably a better idea than trying to get the metal head to act. He would nudge his shoulder against sis' just a little reassuring gesture even if he was more than a bit freaked by the whole magic is real in a form other than friendship thing.
[22:10] * [Wormwood] glances to Marlo and seems to pause a moment. So much for a tactical advantage. Maybe he should have said something. He wasn't used to teaming with these people. He sighs and then mentally checks the camera placements and nods to Marlo, "Good work. Now we wait. You want this side of the alley or the other one on the far side?" he pulls out his patchwork cellphone and sends a text as
[22:10] * [Wormwood] he speaks.
[22:17] <MarloCross> Marlo looked to the two points indicated," I can't be too far off. If we need to make a quick exit, I need to be close. Two quick K-Jumps takes it's toll on me." This was obviously a disreguard to his orders over Sisip's. He was going to watch him like a hawk." I'll be halfway. My kinetics can pick up footfalls and heartbeats at close range." where did his accent go?
[22:21] <AnE> She looked at them inquisitively, slowly tilting her head. "Co...balt? I'm sorry, I'm-- are you trying to convert me to be the Jehova's Witness?" Because the last person who tried that got turned into a frog. And was then stepped on. Maybe. Either way, she started to back up, pushing open the door and shaking her head, "I've no idea what you could possibly need to talk to someone like
[22:21] <AnE> me for, but... all right. It's always nice to have company." Toothless smile was smiled smilely before she waved them inside, hobbling into the living room. Typical old woman's house -- knickknacks, old photos, a vastly overweight tabby cat lounging on the stairs, the scent of mothballs hanging heavy in the air.
[22:22] <Herbst> He remained silent, sliding a small journal from inside his breast pocket and pulling out a short pencil- the kind of half pencil with no eraser. Quietly, he wrote down what he saw as he observed the place and tagged along.
[22:26] * [Wormwood] makes a face like he just heard nails on a chalkboard. He turns to face Marlo again, "Lets pretend for the moment that I would allow you to lay a finger me. While we're at it, let's say that somehow, I'm going to follow protocol that puts my life in the hands of a kid. Putting all that aside, when you use your powers to jump me away, how can you be sure that I'll be protected from
[22:26] * [Wormwood] the same physical change in directional momentum that you are? I'm not rolling the dice on that. I'll be fine. You have more important obligations than me and you know it."

Scene Missing?

[22:30] * Sunder Kitty! Don't throw the horns and growl kitty, don't throw the horns and growl kitty, just don't-.. Okay, the metal head loved felines, what was there to say? He would step in as they were invited in for their chat, but he would pause to lean down a bit, offering a hand towards the tabby. He'd let sis handle the words, herb worry about any danger, he'd just have to do something about it if there was any.
[22:37] <MarloCross> "I know because I control It. As long as my hands are on you, I can absorb the momentum and kinetic force the leap produces. it's what I do." He stepped closer, feeling himself lose his cool ever so slightly." Sisip told me to keep you safe and not to engauge. If I can't hit, then then only resource I have is a kinetic leap." His voice was getting colder, less friendly." Sisip let
[22:37] <MarloCross> me come on this mission. I have too much riding on this. The first sign of trouble, My orders vcome from my team leader.." Team leader was stressed,"..Not you. I respect your position, Worm. But understand that If i need to, I won't give you a choice." with that he takes a few steps away, give Worm some space, but allowing for a quick leap between him and the techie. As he walked
[22:37] <MarloCross> away, he took a breath to calm himself.
[22:37] * vile (vile@624-72-14-40.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #CH*Beyond
[22:39] * Micah (Bonham@g000345d2.tmodns.net) Quit (Quit: .)
[22:42] <AnE> Her expression began to fall the more Sisip spoke, her gaze lowering, a trembling, liverspotted hand lifting thoughtfully to her lips. "Sick? I'm sorry, but I'm no doctor..." She gestured toward her plastic-wrapped sofa, shuffling over to sit, herself. "A... young man?" Oh, dear. THen, the words 'dying' caught her attention and she turned to look at Sisip, a frown creeping across
[22:42] <AnE> her face, "...that means that... that the chain is still in tact." Her eyes narrowed as she looked away, shivering softly. "No, no no..."
[22:45] <Sisip> Sisip leads the trio over to the plastic wrapped sofa and sits, dark eyes focused on the frown, "What chain, Mother Simona? What is this? How can we save our friends?" Her voice softens pained, "My neice."
[22:46] * vile is now known as Vileficent
[22:47] * Sunder His ears would perk, and the feline would be left to be lazy as he was brought to the couch. He would settle in, looking first to his companions then the old woman.
[22:50] * [Wormwood] listens to Marlo and presses his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He wasn't going to argue with the kid any more than he had to, maybe he already had crossed that line. Having to deal with supernaturals was one thing, contending with a team member who's goals were directly opposed to yours was quite another. Without a word, he walks to a nearby area of the alley with the most
[22:50] * [Wormwood] shadow, still close enough to keep a mental eye on what was going on inside the old lady's house.
[22:58] * Sisip (aleafloor@ygfx-39-221-28-25.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Don't be weepy sleepy puppies, Slip your slippers on your footies, In the morning you'll get goodies, Puppy hats and puppy hoodies.)
[23:00] * Shannon is now known as Kraken
[23:02] <AnE> "...I was... hurt. I wanted to-- to fix it. I wanted them to pay!" Her voice raises a bit, and she frowns, looking over now at Sunder and Herbst because Sisip is LISTENING VERY QUIETLY. "I saw him -- I knew he was the one who hurt me! But... if the spell has been passed on, then...I... I need one moment..." The old woman rises and shuffles off into a side woman, rustling around noisily.
[23:03] <Herbst> Herbst glanced to Mother Simona as he wrote down a few more things, a brow raised but lips pursed as he remained quiet. His cane was tucked under his arm and he tapped the point of the pencil against one corner as he watched.
[23:04] <Sunder> I can't say we know anything about it, what 'appened? (He would settle back, the whole friendly chat thing seemed to be working out rather well.)
[23:14] <AnE> SOon, she returns! In her hands, a small, flat black box, her expression stoic if a little sad. Dying girls -- what a pity. "I have made a mistake that may cost you the lives of your little friends. Take this amulet and lay it above the beds of the afflicted-- ten minutes each. I can slow the effects of the curse, but... I cannot stop it."
[23:16] <MarloCross> Marlo just waited, watching the house, looking to the side at Wormwood. He needed to be assured no one was gonna mug him or there were no unpleasant suprises. He needed to keep himself sharp and focused. His senses, kinetic and natural, honed in, trying to pick up everything...
[23:18] * Sunder He'd look more than a bit heartbroken, falling silent for a good moment. "Right.. So this 'ere buys us time. What can we go do?"
[23:22] * Suzthulhu (MaryMagdal@p-96-25-61-71.hsd4.ga.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: <@Jeem> SHE'S WEARING A NIGHTY <@Jeem> BUT HE CAN NOTICE A DISTINCT BULGE)
[23:25] <AnE> Once more, Mother Simona sat down, offering up the box with a slow nod, "The curse can only be broken if the person it was intended for ... dies." She said rather bluntly. Certainly didn't sound too beat down about the fact that she cast a curse on the wrong person, or that she planned on killing someone anyway. "...and in the event of a collosal failure to destroy the targeted
[23:25] <AnE> individual, you can agree to a blood oath." That toothless smile was flashed again, almost creepy now as she folded her hands, leaning forward slowly, "Which will trade your life for one of the afflicted. I would not personally reccommend it, dear."
[23:29] <Sunder> Well, I would, but there are more than one. So this one bloke has to die? No other way.. We were 'oping no one would 'ave to get 'urt. (a soft sigh.) About how much time will the amulet get us?
[23:35] <AnE> She shook her head slowly, "What I placed was magic of painful retribution. I thought-- I thought that perhaps, after all this time, he was coming to ... to finish me off." Her chin wobbled and she hung her head, sniffling.
[23:35] <Herbst> He made another note and then tucked his small journal away, pencil tucked into the binding as he looked between the two. "I zhink ve both know zat hate is poverful thing. If ve could have a small personal effect- or even a hair, it might help us vith our search for zis man- whomever he is."
[23:38] * Sunder gestures to herbst "An that's why we need all the time we can get. No idea 'o 'e is or where 'e is. Pictures, descriptions, anything would 'elp a lot."
[23:46] <AnE> "The-- the amulet should give you another two weeks before the effects of the curse begin again. Be warned, young man -- it does not stop them, merely blocks them. Once two weeks is up, all of that built-up magic will come flooding back and your friends will likely die if the task is not completed." Mother Simona reached up and began to rub at her temples, sucking in a deep breath,
[23:46] <AnE> "Almost time for my pills... I... the man in question is... is a horrible, horrible man! He-- his name is Talbot Simonson. I... I will never forget his face..." And she gives a description -- brown hair, hazel eyes, etc, etc. "He isn't... isn't from Salem, though. He lives in New York, if I remember correctly..."
[23:51] <Herbst> "Mmm." Herbst nodded to himself as he set the end of his cane against the ground and leaned on it.
[23:52] <MarloCross> Marlo was the first to break the silence," THis doesn't feel good to me. It's taking too long." he was starting to get nervous, but was otherwise staying satill.
[23:52] <Sunder> Right - right (he would tap the details into his phone just to be sure he had them all later then looks to herbst, he was the resident expert after all.) Anything more that can do us some good?
[23:53] <AnE> "If you interfere with Talbot, he will not hesitate to kill you." She said, rather bluntly, then stifled a yawn, "If you'll excuse me, it is well past this old lady's bedtime." Which was probably at like 7 PM or something.
[23:54] <Herbst> "Ve have a name und description. Vhen dealing vith ze arcane, zat is more information zan one zhinks. Ve must vork more quickly zhan I am often given to, but it is ze best starting point ve could ask for."
[23:58] <Sunder> I'll take your word for it. (he'd look to the old woman.) Thanks for 'elping. (he'd stand and looks to herbst) time to get started then, right?
Session Time: Tue Apr 03 00:00:00 2012
[00:00] * [Wormwood] speaks only loud enough for Marlo to hear, "I can see them inside. So far there's nothing dangerus happening. I'm not adept at reading lips, but if I had to guess I'd say they were just given something that might help." he glances slightly in Marlo's direction, "Maybe it wasn't a wasted trip after all."
[00:01] <AnE> Mother Simona would see them to the door, then hobble to the stairs and probably ride up to her bedroom on one of those stair-chair things.
[00:05] <MarloCross> "I hope not." When he sees them come out with something, his heart jumps into his throat,"I need this."
[00:06] * Sunder Steps out and looks about, eager to get out of the daytime creepy house area into the fairly normal alley "Well, seems like that went as well as could be expected.. Think it's really true this guy has got to die?"
[00:07] <Herbst> "Somezhing has to happen vith him, zat much is likely true. Die? Zat may be vhat -she- vants. Zhen again, it may be true. To early to say, really."
[00:11] <Sunder> So there's 'ope for the bloodless path after all. I don't know what 'appened, but our part in this should be saving our friends, not offin someone for someone else for something we know nothing about. Let's get back 'ome then.
[00:13] * Ahri[Work] is now known as Ahriman
[00:15] * [Wormwood] makes his way over to Sunder and Herb, "So? What now?" he nods at the notion of going home, "Good plan. I'm going to leave the cameras in place, maybe pick up one or two of the more obvious ones. They broadcast a feed that will be relayed through the case I left near the van. We should be able to keep all eyes on the old lady 24/7. If you're right and she wants someone dead, that's
[00:15] * [Wormwood] enough reason for me to question her motives toward our people."
[00:18] <Sunder> For now we get back to campus. ... (voice drops more than a bit.) maybe save chatter about cameras and killing for when we're not standing in the middle of the bloody street right outside her front porch...
[00:24] * AnE is now known as [07]
[00:25] <MarloCross> Marlo, seeing his mission was done, started to head away from the van, looking at Sunder, Worm and The Kraut." I'll meet you guys back home." He looks at Worm," See, no trouble." He started walking, knowing he needed to be a few blocks away before he pulled a long distance K-Jump.
[00:27] * Sunder He would pile into the van, eager to be back on campus.
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