

Postby Goldbolt » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:23 am

Sorry old log has formatting issues I'll fix it later <3
A blast from the past!
March 25th 2008!
Shinn vs Sean!
Amp, Pulse's predecessor!

<`Christian> I'd go with the American one, Mihea... the Egyptian one might through the bartender for a loop

* Miheala nods to Christian lightly as Sean drove. She would pocket one in one pocket the one she would use in the other. She shrugs a bit but nods none the less. I suppose they do not see many here in Salem. She grins a bit and fell silent.

* `Sean pulled into the parking lot of the Broken Hammer and killed the engine. "All right, we're here. Keep an eye out for Shinn, if he ends up coming in." he unbuckled and slid out of the car, padding for the door to flash his fake id to the scaley green boy sitting boredly by the door.

* Mindfreak his head would not listening to her, he didn't care if she tore into the burger and it splattered on him. If she was hungry, she was hungry so it was fine. "Yeah it's probably be something I supposedly could fix or mess up but.. It's something you have to get, and come to terms on by yourself. Your inner struggles we can't help you fight. We can only be there for you, for support and advice." He sighed, and he would finally break down, "And yes I love you Dahlia. Your pretty, your smart, and your one of the most honest people I have known." He shook his head and he sighed again, "I wanted to tell you this tonight but, I had hoped you'd have at least had something of a smile on your face first. Just, don't feel like you have to answer, or return those feelings. I'll be fine if you were happy."

* `Christian openned the door and headed on inside with the group, he looked back at Mihea, So are you allowed to drink alcohol?

* Miheala would follow Sean and Christian to the place showing her American ID as Sean did at the door. She was youthful looking and innocent seeming. But one did have to experience life to live it right? She was wearing her usual jeans and heavy sweater. Certainly not clubbing gear. She was allowed past and looked up to Christian. Well yes I do not often but every day is a celebration right?

<Krieg> Not a word spoken. The first time he mentioned the 'l' word she hadn't noticed, but, there it was again. Her face turned a bright red that she'd be unable to hide, and the only response she'd be able to muster was a sudden ravenous attack on her food, stuffing her face and nearly choking herself, cheeks expanded like a chipmunk.

* Mindfreak told her she didn't need to respond, and he just went back to driving through the night, a few turns and they'd be back in Salem at least. Not downtown where all the crap was happening but he was taking some of the backroads he'd found while he was working in town. A hand reached over to grab his cup of coffee before he would take another sip. He didn't say anything else really till she spoke. She was eating after all, he'd let her finish the food. A glance over to her and those cheeks expanding made one hell of a grin on his face and he'd quickly turn back to looking out the window. He couldn't hide that grin, from the face she had.

* `Sean was wearing a black shirt with a cross in a NO circle, like a no smoking sign only for jesus. His jeans were nice and new, and he had a new pair of expensive ass boots that were all broken in now, thankfully. They had steel toes for kicking nutsacks! or something like that. "I'm abstaining tonight; I get too mopey when I drink. King!" he trotted after a nine foot tall german shepherd feral man, waving. He had to talk to him.

* `Christian laughed a bit, Yeah I'll drink to that... good philosophy... lets get smashed tonight... Sean can drive us back, right Seany? ^.^

* Miheala looks to Christian as Sean runs off. She decides Christian tones her down alot. Get smashed? She spoke softly so not everyone int he bar knew she was a newb. She had drank before but never to get drunk. Damn Americans and their slang language.

<`Christian> Get... uhmm... drunk... its fun... I'll show you... <he chuckles a bit and heads over to the bar, ordering two shots of vodka... he hands her a shot glass... Okay.. .the goal is to down the entire shot in one gulp... don't sip... just... down your throat, got it?

<Krieg> He was grinning. WHy? Dahlia looked confused, but it was a bit difficult to tell, considering that her face was stuffed. She'd chew and swallow, Dahlia staring down at the floor before repeating the process with french fried potatoes, shoveled into her mouth like clearing a snow-filled driveway. She mumbled something incoherent, staring out the window, red in the face.

* `Sean talked quietly to the menacing feral man, and was tugged into the back office. Dun dun duunnn

* Miheala nods to him lightly understanding the part of drinking. But whatever works. Bet John would be nice and pissy when she got home drunk. She took up the shot in hand and looked to Christian. So you are a heavy drinker? she watched Christian curiously a moment before glancing as the man takes Sean in the back and looks back to Christian once more.

<`Christian> No... usually I only drink socially... and usually I don't have to pay for my own drinks... <he chuckles a bit and downs the shot>

<Mindfreak> "Huh? What was that baby girl?" He reached over with his right hand the backs of his fingertips brushing along her cheek and to move her hair back behind her ear. He didn't hear what she had to say but, that didn't stop him from asking. Almost back to the school, he'd turn down the last stretch before they'd soon be seeing the campus gates ahead.

* Miheala nods a bit to that and downs the shot as well before setting the glass down on the bar. She didnt make a face or anything but vodka wasnt a drink well known to her. I am afraid to ask why not but I suppose having seen you in both aspects I can imagine why. she turned to look about the club one she didnt work in. It was a bit refreshing to see all the other mutants outside a school environment.

* `Christian nods his head, Don't be afraid to ask anything... and yes... lots of guys buy me drinks its pretty flattering.

* Miheala giggles lightly and nods to him Well you make for a pretty woman Christian. she would shift on the bar stool looking to the mass of bottles on the back of the bar seeming to be searching for something familiar. I do not fear you Christian. You do not seem a threat to me personally. Nor does Sean. If either of you threatened me I would not be here. she turned to look back at Christian and grinned.

* `Christian ordered another shot for her and him, he settled back on a barstool, Why thank you... yes... a lot of people seem to think so... its how I make some of my money... beats working at a retail store.

* Miheala giggles softly and nods to him I am sure it is. I would like to see what you do one day if I could. I think it would be.... enlightening. she took up the other shot and grinned to him a bit those near black eyes watching his face a moment. So should we drink to something or someone? she would wait on downing the shot.

* `Christian shakes his head, No this is a bar, you drink and socialize... and if you really want to see one of my shows you can come this Friday, I'm performing at a club.

* Miheala nods to him Well I will see if I can get off work and an escort. she smiles and downs the second shot so far seeming wholly unaffected by the vodka. Then again who got drunk on 2 shots? She would shift a bit on the stool indeed feeling warmer. You just tell me where and I will try not to hide in the shadows.

<Lance`Orinanthas> A soft chuckle came from Lance as he came out of the dance hall. He closed the door behind him to cut the horrible singing off. That way people could still enjoy their drinks in peace. One of the few times Lance has been seen off campus, he was dressed for the occasion wearing a pair of blue jeans and a loose fitting brown shirt. He took the time to give the newcomers a gaze as he had not seen them come in, then settled down at the bar to order a single shot of peppermint schnapps. Yes he drank light.

* `Christian laughs a bit and orders another round of shots, An escort? Pphhht... Mihea I can escort you there, I'm a lot more powerful then you give me credit for....

<Aissa> has been there all along, honest, but she's of the shy, typically reserved and too timid variety that doesn't speak until she's had a chance to loosen up, relax, and get a full grasp of her surroundings. With so many people about, it takes longer. The serpent girl wears her dampener tonight, a thin black band at the left wrist that anyone might recognize as a SND, however, it's currently powered down, simply worn in the event that its necessary. She's already eased her way over to the feral bar area and perused their menu, squinted at it really because while she may be fluent in Somali and Arabic? Her reading of English is horrible, and she's tried to improve it by reading more often whenever she can. Clad in a silver dress, a few shades lighter than her actual greyscale pattern without color, it's modestly knee length, worn with cute strappy shoes that she had to practice wearing for several hours.

* Miheala smiles to Christian and nods to him gently Well that has yet to been seen dear Christian. You may be able to manhandle me but how are you with the more agressive? she was passive to an extreme passive. She noticed Lance having no desire to see him in a professional sence she would simply smile his way before looking back to Christian not wishing to be rude.

* `Christian was feeling a little buzzed... Okay... hmmm... you want me to demonstrate my prowess hmmm? <he looked around the room thoughtfully and a little tipsy>

<Lance`Orinanthas> The single shot of the peppermint schnapps was downed almost instantly, and he payed the four or so dollars it costed immediately after. Miha was given a smile back by the Lance only for him to rest against the bar pretending to be drunk. Of course, the lady who worked there knew he wasn't being serious and gave him a nudge, prompting him to sit back up and stretch. A reverberating crack came from his back.

* Miheala nods to him and giggles leaning on the bar watching him as he surveys for a victim. Yes why do you not show me your abilities other than looking pretty. she was goading him? She took the chance to look to Lance again as Christian looked about the club. Those dark almost black eyes still hadnt gotten use to the look of the good doc.

* `Christian gave her a look... Hey... if I pick a fight in here we're going to get booted out... but I can give you a demonstration later in the sims...

* `Sean came out of the office, nodding sollemnly to king. "Thanks." he said dully, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he went back to hsi friends. He blinked at the sight of Lance, then hunched his shoulders in case the doctor recognised him and ratted him out so he couldnt get drinks here anymore.

* Miheala giggles lightly and nods to him gently I suppose I will have to wait and see how you do against a simulator then. she giggles lightly yes she was feeling a little bubbly. You know the Doctor? she motions to Lance with a nod.

<Lance`Orinanthas> Miheala was given another smile when she looked over at him. Bars were generally a place to pick people up, but Lance didn't seem like he was there for anything other than to relax. He slipped his wallet back into his right pocket, then gave Sean a half wave. Docta-man wasn't about to rat the guy out. He was too busy enjoying the night.

* `Christian shakes his head, Nope... <he orders another round for Mihea and him though, he takes another shot of the liquor and exhales warmly> ... oooh... its burns...

<Shinn> After taking a minute to change and find his fake ID, the pyrokinetic'd be pulling up to the Hammer riiiiiiiiight about...oh...now. Flashing said ID at the bouncer at the door, the japanese teenager makes his way inside and bites back a yawn, not making any ruckus or drawing attention to himself as he makes his way to the bar. He needed a drink. Something hard.

* `Sean padded over to lance timidly, hands stuffed in his pockets. "S'your day off?" he piped up, distracted from looking around the bar for amp users. He wanted to find out if Lance had any thoughts on bess's condition.

* Miheala nods a bit Not a bad guy from what I know. she picks up the next shot and downs it again setting the empty glass on the bar. Burns? she didnt seem to have that feeling. Accustomed to sweeter liquors of her country.

<`Christian> Yeah... the last one stung a little... <he chuckled a bit> ... You know... we could always fly back to the school... provided I don't get too drunk.

<Shinn> His outfit? Something he'd be more accustomed to - the trusty black leather jacket that Lulu had given him, along with a white t-shirt and black jeans. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing his bandaged arms and knuckles, while his sneakers made little sound with each step he took. Once up at the bar... "Double shot bourbon on the rocks." he says, fishing out some cash from his pocket while scanning around the area with cool brown eyes hidden beneath dark raven bangs.

* Miheala giggles again and looks to him Yes get too drunk and drop me somewhere between here and there. Then I would be seeing the good doctor in a professional sense would I not? she pulled her hair down letting the thick black curls go wild about her tanned flesh. Maybe you should slow down if it burns?

* `Christian nods his head... Yeah I think I'm done for the moment... I'm just going to enjoy the buzz now...

<Shinn> "Thanks." he says to the bartender with a polite nod as the drink's placed down infront of him...and without even flinching, the pyro picks it up, downs it quickly, and almost slams the glass back down onto the counter. Good thing he wasn't going to break anything tonight. 'There's Sean...Christian and Miha...the hell is the doc doing here? And...there's Aissa. Tonight's going to be interesting.

* Miheala grins and bites her lip gently. Well you can not always count on liquer to do the job. she giggles again and glasses near them on the bar top begin to float. Thankfully it was a mutant bar but when the drinks begin to fly across the room uncontrollably smashing against the wall, tables and innocent patrons she just giggles more so.

<Lance`Orinanthas> "Day off? Naw. I don't ever really have a day off. What's up?" Lance lightly tapped his empty shot glass against the bar in a slightly rhythmic manner. It didn't make up any sort of real song, but he was doing it anyway. Probably out of mild boredom the club was providing the doc.

* `Sean shrugged his shoulders at Lance, looking over at his shotglass. "Ah, just wondering... do you know about Bess Miller? 'Merge'? she got purple hair and.. well, I heard she got stuck under a building, but never where." he looked Lance over curiously with his silvery riddick-eyes. "Did you know where they found her?"

<Lance`Orinanthas> "Don't have a clue. I'm not the one working on Bess. I'm pretty sure that's Ginny's bit." Lance shrugged then smiled at Tammy when she refilled his shot glass with the tasty smelling peppermint alcomohol. "It's kind of nice having her around, you know. I do a lot less work, though people get a bit annoyed when I tell them I can't fix them after they've been patched up."

* `Christian looks around, seeing the floaty drinks, he quirks a brow, Uh oh... hmmmm.... someone's drunk....

* Miheala looks up to Christian Not drunk just not blocking. And YOU dear Christian... should relax more. she would move to touch his chest giggling more so.

* `Christian blinks a few times... she was getting drunk... oooh and flirty... <he didn't fight it of course, he loved the attention... he leaned over, scooping her up as she looked like she was about to fall off the stool and plopped her down in his lap> ... Gotcha.

<Shinn> The pyro notes the floating glasses, eyebrow raised slightly as he leans back against the bar. This should be a common occurrence in a mutant bar, arms folding casually across his chest. He's an odd sight to see in a bar...not doing much drinking, just moving his eyes from place to place, watching as many people as he can for any sign of the familiar energy drink.

* `Sean nodded and sighed, frowning. "Oh. Okay. Thanks anyway, then." he turned and spotted Shinn, raising his hand to get his attention. "Shinn!" Trotted over. "Did you ever find out where Bess was pulled out of?"

* Miheala giggles and leans back against him letting him hold her. Interesting... Christian are you gay? well you give the girl booze and she gets bolder. She turned her head to look up to the pretty man who held her securely. She knew by the touch he swung both ways but what was true and what was not. She looked to the bar and a bottle lifted and floated out before dropping then another. She frowned a bit as the glass bottles shattered on the floor.

<Aissa> *THUMP* from behind is the solid sound of Aissa colliding with Sean's rear. Thmph. There's two dark, scaley hands at his chest, while she's pressed to his spine and bottom like a serpentine parasite. Fingers interlace, and her grasp is a tight, near rib-crushing hold. "Sean! Want to danssse. You sssaid you will teach dansse again if I come with you."

<Shinn> "No luck." he says coolly, not even turning his attention over to Sean. The way his eyes seemed unfocused and unattentive...Sean's know that he's looking for something. He'd also know WHAT...however, he does note "You work for security. What's the chance there isn't some sort of log regarding her incident?" Aha!

<`Christian> Just most of the time... <he chuckled, it wasn't really put off by the words, he reached down and tickled her sides a little>

* `Sean nearly got the wind knocked out of him by the attack of the snakey girl! "Aha... huuhhff.. Dance? All right, just give me a second." he ran clawed fingers through her hair and gave her a smoochie on the forehead like he was her aunt mabel. "Log? The cops will probably be faxing the information to security for their records, yeah. I could call and ask if they have anything."

<Lance`Orinanthas> "No problem." Lance said to Sean as he left. His hand lifted and he looked at the liquid inside. His lips clenched together as he thought. Slowly the glass was lowered back down to the bar and set down. Lance payed for the drink he did not drink then stood up. "Mmm," He squeaked out while stretching. His entire body was stretched at once, and his eyes were closed tighter than a vice gripping viper around a poor defenseless bunny.

* Miheala giggles and squirms in his lap before shrugging a bit I think we need more to drink. The clear stuff isnt sweet like I am use to. They have somethiing sweet here for us to drink? she shifted in Christian's lap as she spoke things still lifting about them, nothing too heavy still a total weight of 2 pounds or less. But flying to different parts of the room some crashing some being caught.

<`Christian> Yeah... Margaritas... <he ordered a couple of them, bouncing Mihea on his lap a little bit, he handed her a glass as they came around> Yummy...

<Shinn> "Probably a faster way of getting that sort of information." his head lowers without a second thought, not even looking in the direction of a glass flying just over the top of his head. How did he know? He's the superninja, baby. ...or he saw it out of the corner of his eye. "Excuse me for a second. I need to smack a certain telekinetic across the back of the head."

* `Sean nodded to Shinn, then looked to Lance. "Did you just squeak?" he blinked at the fellow as he dragged his snakeygirl leech towards the jukebox. The dance hall was set up for kareoke tonight, so Sean was happy to boogie in the main bar rather than listen to mutants squawk Journey out of tune.

* Miheala giggles and takes hers and begins to drink it. She wasnt use to the sweet lime. It was almost sour. You should visit Egypt Christian. Many handsome man and beautiful women to play with. And much better liquers! she grins and takes another sip of the drink handed to her. She wasnt easy to get drunk but not hard either. But it was seeping in fast. <Arabic>There should be places like this in Alexendria. My powers seem... mostly unnoticed. she giggles again not knowing who did or did not speak her native tongue.

<Lance`Orinanthas> "Yeah. I squeek when I stretch. What of it?" He peered at Sean almost like he had been insulted and was about to defend his honor to the death. But then he shrugged. "You have a problem with my super cute side?" The doc then raised an eyebrow at Sean.

* `Christian quirks a brow at her strange words... native tongue no doubt... he held onto his glass so it didn't go flying off, he petted her back lightly, Just don't drink too much, I don't want you vomiting all over the place... that's no fun

<Shinn> He didn't know WHO the telekinetic was, but he seems to be guessing as he walks quietly over to Christian and Miheala. The cool-tempered fire master would keep both hands in the pockets of his jacket, coolly and calmly asking "'ello Chris, Miha. Neither of you would happen to know anything about the glass that flew at my head about 30 seconds ago, would you?"

<`Sean> *King strode across the bar, wearing only cargo shorts and a wristwatch as he grrrrred about something. Oh. one of the paintings made by mutant artists had fallen off the wall. It was a painting of a twirling dna strand transforming into a twirling fairy. In the background was a flyswatter held by a stern hand.

<Aissa> Shinn doesn't even say HELLO to her, that shows how much he hates her. ;-; Aissa remains leechful at Sean's back, making him pull her weight along in walking towards the Jukebox, snuggling close and warm because she's discoevred that gay boys are so comfortable. And safe. "Ssseeeeeeeean?" she calls up to him from behind in a whining singsong of a voice, clinging with barely curving snakelike claws. "Am I pretty?"

* `Sean laughed a little and tried to turn around to pet her hair. "Of course you are, hon." it was said without hesitation, either he really thought she was pretty or he was afraid for his testicles. "You're adorable, Aissa. You all right, though?" he knew a loaded question when he heard one.

<`Christian> Hmmm... no no no... don't know what you're talking about Shinny... looking good by the way... <he grinned cheerfully and held onto Mihea for protection>

<Gavin> Training concluded to a point! They're letting the tiger out of his cage. Working as an assistant really, in case something comes along that he doesn't know or understand, or if he can't find what he needs. D: Stepping from the back, he's carting in a crate full of freshly cleaned glasses on his shoulder, dropping them into where they belong. Dust of his clawed hands, he smoothes palms back through that rusty-colored hawk, cracks his knuckles, and gets ready to work the bar. Good music, good people, great liquor, it feels like a party at home. Dressed as he always is, like a thrift store junky that can't afford new clothes-- the bohemian, rustic 'artist' look that makes threadbare cloth and ratty edges look oh, oh so comfortable and oddly appealing. The shirt's old, a pale blue color, snug on his torso with a faded RAT FINK on its front the grotesquely illustrated green rat is straddling a monster truck, eyes bugged, tongue hanging? Below, those tried and true dark jeans, hope at the knee, ratty cuffs. The belt is thick, studded black leather, the buckle? Hammered metal, burnt, facetted, dark, grafted with a leather-wrapped X of two very small armbones, undoubtedly raccoon or rabbit. First order, 'Can I get a White Russian, please?' has Gavin blinking with those feral greens-- then belly laughing, as he scoops ice, leaving the one who ordered it blinking confused. "Em Rossian. Es fonny for to be first drink to mek. On rocks, da?" So begins his night.

<Lance`Orinanthas> Lance gave the new Gavin person a look. He had seen the guy in the infirmary once before. Something about being pimp smacked by a doe he was trying to cannibalize. Lance shook his head slightly then headed for the door. His hand turned so he could look at the time on the pager that was attached to his pant side. "Eleven... damn it's late." He let out a soft hrm then headed for the door. He hoped Mac Donalds was open still. He could use a Big Mac.

<Aissa> "I do not feel pretty," she mumbles, releasing then, fingers forming a little interlacing clasp against her dress covered thighs. "Thank you, Ssean." Maybe it's because someone she's mildly infatuated with doesn't even know she exists, or maybe--maybe it's two someones. "Iss German Ssshepherd man taken?" she queries sudden and impulsively, changing the subject.

* Miheala giggles having dazed out a minute things still flying What glass Shinn hunny? grins to him obviously being the cause in her growing drunken state. (sorry had visitors)

* `Sean gave Aissa a hug and kissed her on one of her cute, scaley cheeks. "King? I think he's married. He's like a million years old, Aissa, you dont want a smelly old grump boyfriend, do you?" Anyone over thirty was ancient to sean. he planted a kiss on her other cheek for balance.

<Shinn> He just gives the pair a look. A blank stare before he turns to start making his way back to the bar. Plopping himself down into one stool, he doesn't even bother with the two tonight, already having a million different things on his mind and just wanting a drink to forget. He doesn't look up at the new bartender as he says, "Double shot vodka on the rocks. Gimme the strongest shit you've got."

<`Christian> Whoa... easy Shin... build up a slow buzz... its better that way... <he bounced Mihea a little bit as he downed the rest of his Margarita>

<Aissa> "In my country, we do not have choissse." Looking up at Sean as if he's *crazy* for saying someone King's age is ancient. That's perfectly NORMAL in Africa where someone younger than her might have been married to someone say..Bruce's age. "He sssmellss nicce." She clings to Sean for comfort, and for his warm, let's not forget that, hanging off of him cutely like a snake-skinned arm decoration.

* Miheala continues to drink the margarita handed to her watching the floating object course through the bar. She leaned back on Christian not really thinking about how it looked. To her it was innocent enough. She WAS still fully dressed. Hey Christian....? Do you think Shinn is sexy? she would tilt her head up to look at Christian yea she was pretty wasted now. She though had a serious look on her face at asking such a thing.

<Gavin> "Es Shinn!" A jovial bout of Russian, his hands outstretched, "Good to see. *Wodka,* es good, you hev gret test. Em not jos' playink favorites," grins the feline young man lazily, eyes creased in mirth. Glass, scoop of ice. "Ahhh, let see--- mmm," One bottle, the next, picked up, perused. "You want for test good, or for to gev kick in stomak on way own," he calls back to Shinn, speculating over two bottles.

<Shinn> This being said to a japanese teenager who drank a group of scotsmen under the table. He has surprisingly high tolerance, casually going through his own pockets and somewhat ignoring Christian's advice. Right now? He just needs a hard drink. "How about a shot of each in a single glass. Didn't know you were workin' here, Gavin." he smiles faintly, making a mental note to tip the russian nicely.

<`Christian> Shinn... hmmm... yes he does have a cute ass... almost as cute as yours... <he grins and leans in... giving her a smooch on the neck... yep he was feeling nice and buzzzzzzed>

<Ristan> Someone new came into the Mutie bar. Short haired. Short well kept facial hair. He was wearing a black sleeveless top that looked like it might belong in some kind of karate movie, and a pair of matching black cargo pants. The left side of his shirt was completely closed, showing that this young twentyish looking man had suffered a horrible accident at some point or another. His feet walked him across the floor covered by black shoes that looked like they belonged more on a person who was dressed for a fancy dinner.

* Miheala giggles and bends her neck as he kisses. You are such a flirt. she noted the new commer as she turned to look so did an empty shot glass. Now barreling towards the new man. Ooops but she wasnt in her right mind to stop or control the glass. So onward crystal soldier right to the chest. She tensed on Christian's lap wondering if the small heavy glass would hit the man or fall short.

<Shinn> Somehow, the pyro would take a moment to glance around...you know him, searching for amp users...and then, it hits him. The sight of an old friend before he holds up a finger to Gavin. "Leave it on the counter. I'll be back in a minute." The teenager hops to his feet, walking quietly through the crowd...intending to walk right up to Rist and stop infront of him.

<Gavin> "Da, es first day. First night. Em working to buy apartment on school ground, mek to art studio, for scolptink." The bottle tricks? Are lazy, simple, nothing severely fancy, roll of fingers, nimble toss. Just stuff he picked up from tending parties! Pour of one shot, then the other, over that ice-- Jewel of Russia for smooth taste, Magic 78 for a 156 proof. He poured himself a shot of the Jewel, "Na zdarov'ye. Za vashe zdarovye!" Lift of the glass, *clink* against Shinn's, and he tips his head back to take it-- then he's saying leave it on the counter, and he nods, "Da, will wotch for you." Shot glass set on the little counter just under the bar, he puts the vodka away, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, taking his wallet out and setting the appropriate amount under the shotglass to put in the till later.

* `Sean smiled at Aissa, shaking his head. "aw. King is pretty sexy, but he's married, so you shouldn't go around smelling him. You'll make his wife mad." he put on a slow song so they could do a snuggly little dance by the jukebox. "You dont want an angry mutant wife after you , do ya?"

<`Christian> Yes... I am... I love to flirt... its a lot of fun, you like to flirt tooooo <he says, kissing some more before he pushes up a little bit, he reaches up and fiddles with her hair a little bit>

* Miheala giggles lightly shaking her head I find I have little need to flirt. But I am friendly. It is not often I meet anyone I do not like. she looked up to him her dark eyes looking to his face.

* `Christian blinks a few times... he shakes his head, Errmm... wait... am I drunk or did you just put some thoughts into my head? <he shook his head once more>

<Gavin> There's flying glasses-- and Gav furrows his brows. It's a lazy roll of his shoulder, he moves out from behind the bar, height lofty, but maybe not the tallest on the room-- mutants can be skyscrapers sometimes! It's an approach of Mimi and Christian, with a friendly loft of his hand. "Halo. Em seeink glasses heving mutant abilities. DId not know they fly!" A hm! Expression. He puts his hand down on the table, drums his claws, still sm iling easy, eyes low-lidded, feral green. "I see one more glass go you hev to lev for night, da? Understand?" Nice enough! But firm. :)

<Ristan> "Ah." Ristan said as he plopped down in the same spot that Lance had been sitting in. This was done coincidentally, as Ristan hadn't even seen Lance coming or going. When Shinn approached, Ristan was in the middle of ordering a screwdriver without the alcohol. Yep. A glass of OJ. Once done, he peered up at Shinn. "Something you need?" Accent gone. Maybe it wasn't really the Risty.

<`Sean> *A girl with long platinum hair (literally, like, the metal) tapped Gavin on the shoulder. "You're the new talent, huh?" She piped up at him. "King needs some help bringing in the kegs for this weekend's party, he told me to watch the bar." she flashed him a radiant smile and a bit of halter-top cleavage.

<Shinn> "...You seem familiar." he says coolly, then after a moment of study, he shrugs. "Guess you aren't Ristan. Nevermind." and with that, he turns to start walking...not too fast, he'd still be in range if he's called out to. But a part of him knew it was Ristan. He just couldn't prove it right now.

<Gavin> Perk of brows, his head turns-- "Mm?" ...cleavage! "Da, em Gavin," he grins, crooked and boyish, rubbing his neck. "Will do. Pepple throwink glasses, here, to tell Tammy, or you wotch them?" he'd ask, gesturing to Chrisan and Mimi's table, as he shifts away, brows uplifted to the platinum-haired girl.

<Ristan> "Huh." He watched Shinn go for a moment, then shrugged and went back to his drink. The glass was lifted and taken a sip from. Mmm. OJ. Good for you, unlike the Football player.

* Miheala grins to Christian I have many abilities that just do not extend far. She shifted from his lap hearing the music. We should dance. she smiled placing the empty glass down on the bar and moves to grab Christians hand to drag him to the dance floor.

<Shinn> He returns to the spot he was seated at originally, plopping himself down in that stool and giving a glance up to the tiger and the platinum girl. "Yo Tigerboy." He hated interupting, but he needed a drink. Now, all the while reaching through his pocket and withdrawing a $20.

<Aissa> "Pffft." Aissa blows a childish raspberry up at Sean, folding her arms in against her chest in a childish huff. "Did not mean to ssmell him. I am like a ssnake, I sssmell everything I am near. That iss bad sssometime. Like man right there, is like... thing that came from wildebeessst assss." SHe's pointing to a large portly mutant with visible sweatstains, but being a lil discreet. "I only wissh wass asss pretty as other mutant girl. Know that lookss do not mean everything, but it sstill hurtss."

<`Christian> Ack.... <he chuckled a little bit as he was dragged out onto the dance floor.. can he dance? Oh yes he can... though he was a little drunk but so was she so it didn't matter much, he set his hands on her hips as they moved out onto the dance floor>

<`Sean> *Platinum haired girl grinned and shook her head. "Naw, dont bother tammy, she's doing payroll and she gets pissy if you interrupt her math." she shooed him out from behind the bar. "The truck is out back, go through the kitchen." then she turned and whistled sharply. "HEY GUY-YEYES, You all drink like old women, arent you gonna put me to work!" she did an enticing little wiggle to make some pervy fourty-somethings hoot at her. "Any of you pansies think you can handle a 'Hawaiian Rimjob'?" she winked at Shinn cutely, giving another shoo to the tiger. "How about you honey?" her hands were a blur, she was a speedster, it seemed. Suddenly she appeared with a shot glass rimmed with orange sugar, a blue cherry floating in the murky sunrise-colored shot. "Start with this, and move on to body shots?"

<Krieg> A young man with a super serious expression sidles on up to the bar, leaning on it and staring Gavin down. "Do me a favor, man." His eyes shift left, then right. "..Say 'nuclear vessels'."

<Shinn> "There's a double shot vodka under the bar waiting for me. I think he left some of his cash there to pay for it." He holds out that 20, saying "Keep the change. And...sure, why not. I can drink both." For an asian guy, he seems to really, REALLY like alcohol.

<Ristan> Ristan took small sips of the Orange Juice he had. Eating some of the bar nuts every so often. He was mildly hungry, but didn't want nasty fast food at the moment. What he wouldn't give for some Tiger Steaks. Or Snake slices. Ristan peered over at the Russian man, waiting for the Nuclear Vessels line.

* Miheala danced with Christianfor a short while. She having a more belly dance style along with something one might not expect from the sweet young girl. Soon her movement becomes more erotic as if she was dancing FOR Christian not with him. Her eyes focusing on him others in the room easily forgotten in her state.

<Gavin> "Da, wodka! Es good, Shinn, gev good burn, promise," grinned with wry, lazy turn of his mouth, scooting the glass his way--- then he's being shooed! Away he goes to lug in kegs (WTF HIS MONEY AND TIPS) before being stopped--- "Nuclear wessels?"

* `Christian danced with her... amazed at her skill and prowess... oooh and then she started dancing like a belly dancer just for him... his eyes widened... this was unexpected... she seemed so reserved... booze was some sort of miracle drink

<Gavin> The feline man has an adorably (though not the the opposite sex of course, unelss they swing that way!) foreinger's look of smiling confusion.

<Shinn> He shoots a glance out of the corner of his eye as he picks up the vodka...downing it in one hit, then mumbles "Assholes." under his breath, just loud enough for the platinum haired girl to hear as he reaches for that second shot and downs THAT in about half a second. "Nice taste to it."

* `Sean nuzzled at Aissa's cheek. "You are pretty. I dont lie, Aissa. I'm an art student, Asthetics is gonna be my business when I sell out to the man." Smiled at her. "You'll see when I show you my photo, you look like you belong in a magazine." Then he looked up. "What the hell kind of name for a drink is 'hawaiian rimjob'?!" The speedster zipped up to Aissa and him with one each. "tell me if you can think of a better name for it after tasting it!" Platinum Haired Girl cooed.

* Miheala would move to pull off the heavy sweater over her head. She was a small petite and it seemed she kept that small toned body by dancing... a lot. Her hips bare showing the top of those low rise jeans topped with golden flesh unmarred and unadorned. Up and up the sweater went now covering her face but her hips continued to move drawing eyes there as she continued to tug the heavy sweater off. What was under it? Did the girl wear anything under those thick bulky sweaters?

<`Sean> *King was indeed in back, but there was no truck. Just a big cozy blanket on the cold ground which the doggy man was curled up on along with his pretty wife. They didnt look like they wanted their nap disturbed by a dumbass tigerboy.

<`Christian> Watched in somewhat shocked awe as she began to strip out of her clothing.... what??? He blinked a few times but danced... if she went too far he'd sadly have to stop her cause she probably wasn't in the right mind set... but not... just... yet.

<Aissa> "It will kill my sstomach." Her dress isn't fit for her human body, which is a little less plump and lacking a tail. "I have never had um.. rimjob." Her expression is so serious and confused, the terminology going right over her head, she'd never guess what it actually *meant*.

<Ristan> A soft chuckle came from his mouth, as he heard the Nuclear Wessels. Ristan couldn't help himself. Star Trek was amazingly funny at times. He took a larger drink of the orange juice then winced as heart burn ravaged his poor one armed cajun body.

* `Sean laughed at Aissa and shook his head. "Ah, I'll have yours for you, aissa. No use wasting it, huh?" *Glurk* he winced and blinked, munching the blue cherry. *glurk* "Wooow, kind of citrusy and burny and pineappley. I like this!"

<Shinn> It's the first time in a while that alcohol has really bothered Shinn...to the point where the air around him is starting to grow warmer and warmer. One could actually see the leather jacket he's wearing start to sizzle and pop, and everything else on him is starting to smell like it's burning. "...?!" Oh yes, he's noticing. He's DEFINATELY noticing.

<`Sean> *Speedy platinum twirled over to Christian and Mihi with a big smile. "Its our special tonight, kids, give it a t.." a look at Mihi, then a wink. "Give it a try!"

* Miheala since she wasnt stopped she pulls the sweater free revealing the cutest little half cup underwire lace bra. She tosses the sweater to Christian and continues her dance more to the back beat than the guitar. Seeming to KNOW how to dance to this music almost too well for such a shy young girl.

* Xakaria she needed to get out & had heard of a place not to far from the academy. Donning white hip hugging capri's, & a pale blue tank that had 'cut out's at the throat & sides she moved slowly into the place making eye contact with no one once inside instead she took it all in. At least on a dance floor she wasn't a 'freak'. Shoving a hand through her hair she moved slowly but with purpose towards the dance floor.

<Gavin> "---" A nap. "Wh--" Squint. At first he thinks it's a co-worker hazing but as he's backing out--- fire--- sniff, sniff--- citrus drink, what was that substance being passed amid his own powdery dealings in Salem? "KENG WEK OP," A blurt of Russian and out he's running, GIVE IT A TRY squeaks Speedy, and while she's pushing the drink? *SLAP* is connect of his hand around her wrist, knocking the glass over, he *jerks* the platinum-haired girl close to his dwarfing height, those feral teeth baring hard, tongue curling, "*Wos no kegs outside.*"

* `Christian blinks... blinks... and then the sweater falls on his head... he wasn't dancing he was watching... what was she doing... Uhhhmm... Mihea... wow... uhmmm.... take it off?

<Ristan> "Phew. Getting a bit hardcore in here." Ristan covered his smile by drinking more of his Orange Juice. But when a second bout of heart burn assaulted his very being, causing him to actually bend over slightly from the pain, Ristan set a couple dollars down to pay for his unfinished OJ and stood up. "Oohh.. time to find a CVS." Ristan then headed for the exit.

<Shinn> "...hot...too hot...it's burning...can't..." the pyro pushes himself off the stool and begins to stumble to the door...walking past everyone, giving them a taste of the raw heat that's coming from his body...he's actually starting to make clothing burn just by walking past people, and he hasn't even called his fire out...uh oh.

<`Sean> *speedy stumbled back, looking abashed at the slap. "What are you talking about?" she said innocently, then SPLASH something orange, hot and sticky and stinging into Gavins eyes and the speedster was scrambling for the door.

<Aissa> Aissa is again feeling the slow curling grasp of jealousy, envying those around her who are able to drink in their normal mutant forms and bodies without the assistance of a dampener. She could turn it low, couldn't she? She's experimented already with her body and the dampener, wondering how human she'd have to be to tolerate food, how much gives her just a tummy ache, how much makes her cramp and curl up in a corner, feeling near death, and what allows her to eat nutritious food and citrusy drinks, sodas and Coke like a normal teen.. She sighs, leaning in against Sean's side, not too depressed, but definitely needing to chee--Hey. What's that? Sniff sniff, flick of her tongue, something in the air smells too wrong to her. "I want leave."

* `Sean blinked at Aissa. "Yeah.. my head hurts... is it warm in here?" his body looked strange, silvery... odd... why was it so hot

* Miheala noticed the scent of fire but was too drunk to simply run. Besides her mind was more in the music than on those around her. She would being to unfasten the jeans she wore still moving with the beat. She just really seemed to notice nothing else. Even with people scrambling towards the door she danced on as if it were a goal to get naked in public.

<Shinn> It's then that it finally kicks in, his reflexes even faster than usual as he reaches out with one hand
to grab the woman by the throat, and rushes forward to push her THROUGH the door, a trail of dark purple
flames following in his wake. Even if he doesn't manage to grab her, he'll literally blur and rush outside
before he can hurt anyone...he can't contain it much longer.
* Zamora And the fuzzy one was out tonight, and like most of the students already inside the glider-mutant was
underaged but had managed to fool the bracelet taggers at the door and she was in for some dancing and
drinking <<sorry bad post... ;-;>>
<Gavin> He'd hadher WRIST, not slapped her, but that SPLASH has him recoiling, swallowing, citrus on his
tongue, stinging his eyes, he wipes his face, snarling, coughing, the aftertaste is disgusting, artificial,
his eyes are hazy, burning, he rubs, rubs, they water, it's a long stream of blurting, snarling russian.
* PlatinumSpeedster has joined #Cobalt*MA
<Aissa> Zamora is a bad girl.
<Zamora> Yes she is
* King has joined #Cobalt*MA
<Mindfreak> A metor suddenly falls on King.
* Jubal pressed through the crowd in the club, chewing on one of those plastic breathilizer tubes. He gazed
around the club as he hit the bar. He stood there, waiting to get the bartender's attention before he ordered
a bourbon old fashioned. He set the money down on the bar as he waited for the drink to be handed to him,
smirking some as he gazed around, slipping through the crowd again to find =
<Jubal> = somewhere to have a seat and watch the people in the club.
<Mindfreak> :) Had to, couldn't help it
* Xakaria had she seen anything going on at the bar or had she known any of them, she would have probably tried
to assess something or 'help' She was however quite literally clueless who were & wheren't her academy mates
outside of Shinn but he to was lost to her in the beat of the dance. She spun hearing a song come on that she
rather loved sinking to the ground in the splits before quickly getting back up & rocking to the beat.
* `Christian looked around... in his hazy state... he was starting to sense that... and then Shinn acted... he
saw the trail of fire and leapt forward... grabbing Miheala before she did anything else, Oh jeez...
* King is now known as Unnamed-FF126
<Aissa> Little does Aissa know that something's *wrong* there with Sean too. She steps back a little, suddenly
scared and terrified, and like most snakes, that means only one thing. Hide. Sean begins to glow, seems
celestially transparent almost with his silvery outline surrounding his body (God thats so gay, Mel..
glowing?) And Aissa is stepping back, anxious to distance herself from her friend, its a -
<Aissa> - running scamper and a quick scurry of a lung that places her behind the bar to hide, duck down, cower
in a ball.
* Unnamed-FF126 is now known as King`
* PlatinumSpeedster screamed as the flame reached her, striking against her shoulders as she dodged it. A fire
extinguisher! in the hands of a speedster, a dangerous thing. It was turned against SHinns fire and she
zipped around the room, filling the club with fog just in time for...
* King` to come roaring into the club, teeth bared. He'd knocked two doors clean off their hindges.
<Shinn> However, the pyro was just getting warmed up, so to speak...those dark purple flames of his just seem
to grow darker and darker, the teenager holding his wrist in a futile attempt to suppress his own power. The
sleeves of his jacket? Incinerated instantly in the intense fire as he rushes out the door. "I can't keep
them back anymore...!!!"
<Shinn> Even with his flames extinguished, the pyro was making his way outside...he just couldn't keep it in
anymore. No matter how hard he tried, he was fighting a losing battle here.
* Miheala stops as Christian stops her letting her mind come back from the musical beat. The matching set was
obvious and a few did remain to oogle others ran at the smell of fire and still others stayed to fight. She
felt CHristian grab her and heard the doors being knocked off their henges. She tensed moving close to
Christian seeing Shinn loosing control. This was all too curious. Maybe she wasnt --
<Miheala> -- as drunk as they thought she was.
* `Sean wobblingly, had little to no control over his power and was trying to find the door in the fog as well.
"Shinn!" shit, was it happen...ORANGE DRINK OH SHIT IT WAS AMP AND HE DRANK TWO OH SHIT. A blast flew through
him and knocked out the wall seperating the dance hall from the bar. And then the next wall. And then some
trees. And lots of people standing in between, too.
<Ristan> Shinn ran by, Ristan was leaning against the outside wall. He watched the matchstick try to get away
before he blew up the building, and just shook his head slightly. His hand moved up to gently stroke the
facial hair he now sported. Well trimmed and looking nice. "Mmm. Think this is better." He talked to himself. "Guess it's time."
* `Christian set Miheala down once she was out of danger... and then he turned around... going into ACTION...
his body began to shift and grow a little... he shifted into Crystaline, armor plates of prismatic stone
dotted his slender body... he was looking for Shinn... he was going to smother him... he spread his hands
out... forming crystal to try and dose those insane purple flames
<Shinn> Unfortunately, unless Christian's crystals could stand a flame that's close to 6000 degrees fahrenheit
and continuing to increase...he's in some serious trouble. "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"
* PlatinumSpeedster left a trail of silver dust as she bolted through the woods, making her escape. left in the
bar would be a 24 box of amp and a 6 oz bottle of amp concentrate
* PlatinumSpeedster has quit IRC (Quit: <@Krieg> Sometimes he pulls his pants down just below his ass and
wiggles his butt at me in a pseudosensual manner. <@Krieg> And then when I try to pin him down and fuck him in
the ass he yells at me. <Zoe> I had sex with a dog, once.)
* Miheala blinks as CHristian moves her placing her in a safe place and changing?? He changed?? That was new to
her. She tilted her head trying to watch all that was happening understanding little of it. She didnt put on
her shirt she didnt think of it. But she did want another drink. She looked towards the bar and began to
creep that way.
* Xakaria stopping to catch her breath she'd been dancing none stop since she arrived taking little if any
notice to the proceedings..that was until someone -Sean- Came crashing at best through the wall only see
well..chaos at best. Nearly jumping into someone or rather ontop? heh hard to say she could smell the smoke
and closed her eyes concentrating on the water in the air She managed to get a ball of water going about six
inchs when
<King`> "GET OUT EVERYONE OUT, RUN TO THE FUCKING WOODS!" he bellowed at his patrons, ripping up the wall that
Sean had crumpled to free one of his employees. Poor skizz. Hopefully he liked life as a paraplegic.
* Aissa would like to go somewhere but she's too *terrified* and snakes are idiots when it comes to dealing
with OH GOD IMMA DIE scenarios.
<Ristan> "Oiy." Ristan yelled over to Shinn. "Quit trying to stop it. Focus it downward so you fly upward. Once
you hit the upper atmosphere you should have just enough air to breath but your fire will snuff itself down
without sufficient oxygen to catalyze it." Ristan said this smoothly, and calmly. Though still yelled so
Shinn would hear.
<Xakaria> water went everything, but of course namely on her. She had started to pull it out of her clothing
when she heard a man? scream to get people out. She froze in place..quite literally, it was a damn shame she
wasn't better at concentration she unintentionally froze herself to the floor with the water she'd been
gathering from her clothing (end)
* Zamora Picked up a drink, raising an eye at it, why would a drink set her powers off... and the other
bar-goers were smelling stronger power-wise. She brought the glass closer to her face to get a better
scenting of it, and it clicked this stuff was Amp! She -would- put the glass of the stuff down, actually was
about to throw it to the floor but a panicced person crashed into her resulting in the -
<Zamora> - glass striking her in the face ow... She dropped its remnants and tried to spit out what had gotten
in her mouth, but she'd also gotten some in cuts resulting from the glass crashing into her mouth
* `Christian was acting as sober as he could as Shinn began to approach... too fucking hot temperatures... star
like even... he shot an arm out to Miheala... and then formed a disc of crystal underneath them... taking off
into the air... he headed for the nearest window... flying out of the bar before it was too late!
* Miheala looks to King as he shouts The bar will burn the woods will too. We all will die. she spoke softly
probably not heard as she grabed an abandoned glass from the bar. She wasnt quick, no flight no armor
nothing. Maybe she could outrun Shinn's flames and Seans force but highly unlikely. She would move to drink
what was left behind by others instead holding the sweater in one hand. As --
<Miheala> -- Christian grabbed her to wisk her away she clung to the glass in hand and stiffins at the unusual
<Shinn> Whether he heard what Ristan said or not is unsure, but a part of him knew that at this point...it was
probably his best course of action without a dampener as flames circled around his legs, before propelling
themselves downward to give himself an upward thrust.
<Shinn> Anyone who could see him now would see nothing but a black flame streaking upwards, a pair of fiery
wings erupting out of the figure's back and brightly glowing amber eyes...
* `Sean stumbled out of the building, blinded, Aissa abandoned. He smeared at his eyes but his body was
glowing, he was glowing, his whole self seemed to be made of silver force energy. Oh fuck. The silver surfer
was going to beat his ass for copyright infrignement. He burst out of the building now, his senses were
distributed throughout his body, it didnt matter that his eyes were full of smoke and -
<`Sean> - extinguisher spray. He skidded out of control for shinn, singlemindedly trying to get ahold of
* Jubal seen flames. And then there was fog. He sighed, and leaned to set his bourbon down. Which wasn't a good
idea, as someone that got blasted flew into him, knocking him over. Thankfully his sunglasses stayed put,
although he couldn't fucking see. He hated not being able to see, it made him claustrophobic. He slid his
glasses off and put them into a pocket as he pushed himself up, brushing off =
<Jubal> = his leather jacket. "Fuck . . . if I loose another jacket I'm gonna kill someone." Leave? That'd be
the smart thing to do. And for once in his life, Jubal did what was the smart thing, stumbling to a wall and
trying to find the closest exit.
* King` is now known as King`or`Platinum
<Gavin> Roll after roll of Russian, he wipes his mouth, huffs, swats at the fog filled air, "Fok, *fok,*" he's
breathing, reaching up and gripping his own hands, still within the Broken Hammer-- His muscles are
twitching. They feel erratic. He's huffing--- the snarl at Miheala is "GET THE FOK OUT! *GO!* G--- nguh--"
Hard breathing, he blinks, panting, eyes dart, his ears, they hear *everyting,* hands loft to cover them, he
<Gavin> smoke, wood, sweat, blood, fear, panic--- Something else, King, dog, he smells, sniff, snake, snif,
---snake, sniff, blood. Blood.
* `Sean followed shinn into the sky, spreading wings of silver to engulf the flaming black wings. He was trying
to encase him in his sheild, overpower him. Did he even have that kind of control? He might as well give it a
shot, huh? rather than have Shinn explode and blow new england into the sea.
<Ristan> Ristan pulled an actual cigarette from his pocket and walked over to where Shinn had been standing. He
leaned down and dipped its tip into some of the remaining flame then walked back to where he had been
standing. Ristan didn't smoke it though. He hated regular cigarettes. This was just part of his cover.
Everyone was still panicing, Ristan flicked the cig to let the ash already accumulated <...>
<Ristan> <...> at its tip drop to the ground.
* Xakaria she glared at her own rather obvious blunder & tried to calm down but unfortunately her nerve's & the
situation were getting the better of her & if she didn't calm down she'd have to be shoved into a hot shower
by the end of the night from going fully frozen. "Thank you nerve's" She muttered under her breath. Her ice
was something she couldnt' control or work yet once she was 'stuck' in ice.. it was just something she hadn't
<Xakaria> --there wondering who if anyone would even notice a girl stuck to the floor not far behind her a hole
in a wall that had narrowly missed her. "Just fucking peachy" (end)
<Shinn> And there's the agressiveness showing as he turns towards Sean, his hand flicking out to his side as a
black flame shoots out of his palm, before condensing into an ebony blade. "I told you people to stay away
from me. Now you'll die for trying to follow." Sean'll notice that it's not his flame wings giving him
propulsion, but his legs... "Get out of here, now!"
<Aissa> Behind the bar, there's a girl in a satin silver dress, curled up in the fetal position with arms over
her head, breathing in small shallow breaths as smoke rises upwards and fills the bar. Aissa is far too
scared to move, it's hot--hot everywhere, she's scared of the fire and scared of burning, her nose and sense
of smell far too sensitive to risk inhaling the smoke. There's little she can do -
<Aissa> - but stay put, sobbing messily all over her clothing. "I wis..wisssh I sstay home."
* King`or`Platinum snarled at Xaka, discovering some bitch frozen to his clubs floor. "Thaw yourself stupid!
Get going!" he swiped at the ice to crack it, enraged that he could do nothing against the fire-boy that had
charred his club or the shielder that tore his shit up
* `Christian began to form crystal domes over some of the spreading flames as he landed outside the place with
Miheala... he looked back at the bar and then at her, You okay Mihea?
* `Sean s silver face formed into a ferocious scowl. "Fucking idiot! you're a bigger bomb than shannon, you
think I'm not gonna try and snuff you out?" he wrapped himself and shinn in a huge globe of force and lunged
at Shinn. For some reason the plan had gone from smother shinn until he calmed down to kill shinn so he
doesnt hurt anyone.
* Miheala nods to Christian looking up to the dome. She still clung to the drink Yes I am fine... guess the
mutant bar was not the wisest choice for tonight. Least I got another drink. she grins and lifts the glass to
drink. Why not? Either she will go home safe and sound or die in the woods.
* Xakaria as if her nerve's weren't bad enough she would have jumped ceiling high had she not been stuck. She
didn't even bother to say anything other then a crackled 'Thanks' but problem was..she didn't know how yet.
However she had to try right?" Inhaling slowly she tried her damnest to concentrate, to block the noise, the
chaos all of it out but she wasn't getting any results from trying to thaw or melt or even manipulate the ice
<Gavin> The strength he normally has, already enhanced, is brutal, now-- smoke is airing out from the building
due to massive holes and crisp Salem night, and there's a girl stuck in ice? Stripes are seeping up to stain
his skin, as though the tattoo on his back had found a way to grow, to crawl, but they're distinctly uninked,
shading and hinting at the stripes on his other form, claws are flexing hard and he's snarling, eyes
<Gavin> stinging, he lunges near King, lands on sliding boots and one spread palm, fists lock together and he
raises them over his head like a sledgehammer-- DOWN they come and ice cracks, giving way, uplift, DOWN
again-- enough damage to dislodge her with just a little more force, though his head turns, eyes flash vivid,
wide-pupiled, he's looking at King--- snarls, bares his teeth, tongue curling in a snarl as
<Gavin> his skin paints itself in feral-tribal lines.
* `Christian chuckles a bit and scoops her up again, Funny... <but now his focus was back on controlling the
damage... oh how terrible... he formed a wall of crystal around the complex... finally controlling the
flames... once that was done he stepped back... he couldn't do anything for Shinn... he was just too HAWT!>
<Xakaria> hell!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, she didn't care if she was heard, she grabbed the one
thing she managed to always carry on her outside of ID, seeds. Plucking one from her pocket she contcentrated
only to scream as Gavin came at her. She fell quite litterally on her ass as she was freed and just stared at
him unsure of what to do...or say.
<Shinn> "I was trying to get away!" he roars as the master of what he now dubs hellfire dives down towards the
bottom of the sphere, only to rush upwards as that flame blade disappears, fist clenched as he struggles to
return his flames to normal levels...which, normally, is his general blue flame...best he can do is his
purple one now, throwing a spinning reverse roundhouse at Sean from beneath him.
<Shinn> He's faster now. A LOT faster than he was in the sims. And Sean knows Shinn's entire fighting style
revolves around speed...
* Miheala grins and finishes off the drink that was left on the bar top. She tosses the glass aside holding to
Christian with one hand her sweater in the other. Maybe you are handy to have around. she looked towards
Shinn and Sean and frowns tilting her head. Its that drug is it not? she had only just heard of it but knew
enough to know Shinn didnt loose control like this. And she was pretty --
<Miheala> -- sure Sean didnt either.
* `Christian nods his head, I think so... Shinn normally can't burn that hot... at least I don't think so...
<Shinn> I imagine they're both pretty far up in the night sky, surrounded by a sphere of glowing silver with
what looks like a silver-winged angel and the purple-winged demon trying to contain each other's powers by
making them expend every last bit of it...atleast, that's Shinn's thoughts right now.
<`Sean> So fucking hot
<Shinn> I need to draw that.
* `Sean had taken a double dose, his powers would never have matched Shinn's otherwise. He tried to wrap his
wings around shinn's body, encase him in a small tomb of force and crush him. Pure murderous intent was in
his eyes, the Amp had made him forget that he was even doing this to help people, he just wanted to KILL
<Aissa> You gay people and your demons and angels rp refs
<Krieg> Homosexicals love wings.
* `Christian kept moving back... he still had the disc... and he took off... scooting away just in case someone
exploded... this was madness... he scooted back with Mihea, We'd better take cover... something is happening
and we don't have the power to stop it.
<King`or`Platinum> No, I think you mean cocks, AnE
* Akira has joined #Cobalt*MA
* Shinn has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Ghosted. By: Akira (whocares@6ca5e938.b.001lg.syd.iprimus.6ca6d828.au.hm
* Akira is now known as Shinn
<Ristan> Ristan slipped back into the mutie-bar. He looked at the small amount of devastation then at the
people still inside. "So, what's going on?" He asked nonchalantly. He moved over to pick up a stool and sit
down on it. He'd watch for the things going on inside. He had the cigarette still, figuring nobody would care
at this particular moment.
<King`or`Platinum> I get them confused too.
* Gavin has quit IRC (Quit: Gavin)
* Zamora Oooh amp in open wound faster than amp in drinky. She'd snarl and start to go after more of the drink
where she could find it.. But all these wild power scents were starting to get her angry... Her fur was
standing on end and she'd hiss at anyone who got close enough, looking quite viscious with blood dripping
from her face.
* Xakaria gathering all the courage she could she slowly stood nearly falling through the hole in the wall.
Clearing her throat she wasn't sure what the hell she needed to do..Exhaling she wakled to the bar & eyeing
what she assumed to be an orange soda she grabbed it and downed it...shame..She coughed hard feeling the
stuff burn down her throat. Coughing hard she swallowed trying to clear her throat of the horrid sensation..
"That defi
<Krieg> Awwwww. ^-^
* Zoe has joined #Cobalt*MA
<Shinn> I'm kind of surprised it hasn't occured to anyone to call the school.
* Zoe is now known as Visitor-1001B8
* Visitor-1001B8 is now known as Gavin
* Lukas` has joined #Cobalt*MA
* ChanServ sets mode: +v Lukas`
* `Sean had taken a double dose, his powers would never have matched Shinn's otherwise. He tried to wrap his
wings around shinn's body, encase him in a small tomb of force and crush him. Pure murderous intent was in
his eyes, the Amp had made him forget that he was even doing this to help people, he just wanted to KILL
<Xakaria> No Fanta.." she'd shake her head and grab a bottled water, knowing this wasn't going to make her feel
raped via the throat..she didn't even bother to consider what the hell to do next..get out, call the school,
she wans't sure & her nerve's were getting to her, she was visably shaking, or was that the alchohol?
* King`or`Platinum would grab Xak by the wrist, emerging from the smoke and dust to drag her out of the bar and
toss her out like he'd had so much practice with with durnks. "Get to the fuckin woods!" he went back to
snuffing the air, trying to make sure everyone was out.
<Shinn> A scream of pain echoes out through the night as the wings clamp down on him...but surprisingly, it
won't crush him instantly. Why? The second those wings get close enough to him, he'll combat it with a power
that rivals Sean's force fields...using a pair of black flames to push out from his shoulders with his ever
stoic, cool expression on his face. "You won't win. You're too weak to take -
<Shinn> - me on."
<Gavin> Smoke spills from the bar, seeping out, Gavin coughs, he feels-- on edge, caged, cornered in this
building, something about it, he doesn't *like*--- sobbing sounds, salt on the air, he huffs, coughing,
coughing, running to the bar, he hops it with a spread of his clawed hands, perched atop briefly before
dropping down, "Aissa com, com," he huffs to her, chesty, reaching to grab her around the middle or uner the
arms, pulling up, murmur
* Zamora Wasn't out yet she was prowling and lapping up any Amp that remained... She'd've exited a while ago
but the scent of that amp was so appealing to her... especially with her mutant olfactory sense.... which
wasn't getting too much smoke from her proximty to the floor
* Xakaria She didn't even look to see who grabbed her by the wrist, she swung at the person trying to slap them
only to jerk away hearing King's words.."I.." Well fuck, she was rarely at a loss of words, shame she had to
start tonight. She would have said she didn't know where they were but stumbled out of place glancing around.
She was feeling sick on her stomach but that could be a number of things.
<Gavin> or uner the arms, pulling up, murmuring a panicked series of Russian syllables, the building smoulders,
would the liquor catch? Any resistance is met with an easy heft of her, tail over his shoulder and all.
* Miheala screams as the minds open to her feeling the emotions full force thoughts forced into her mind.
Others may feel the mental invasion from somewhere a pulling screaming almost agonizing pull in their mind.
She claws at Christian as he carries her her back arching the sweater dropped forgotten about. She shudders
seeing his history flashing before her eyes as if real. She would fight to be free --
<Miheala> -- of the touch unable to control how much she was getting. It was just too much information from one
person at one time along with the emotions and minds she was in. Around her old dry logs rise from the forest
floor and begin to fly seemingly at will.
* Jubal managed to stumbled himself behind the bar, blinking as he looked behind the counter. He blinked as he
noticed the Amp. His lips curled into a smirk, doing a quick survey of who was around before he snatched the
mutie crazy drink. Drink it? No. This could prove to be useful somewhere in the future. He pushed himself up
to start moving for the exit, trying to ignore anyone that was around =
<Jubal> = him. Just get the hell out of there, get on his bike and leave. That's all he needed to do.
<Ristan> "Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Ristan reached over to save a single bottle of vodka. He then
began for the exit of the mutie-bar. After all, he was waiting specifically for everyone else to run off.
"Hurry! Quick! My powers will protect me and I'm the last one. Get going!" He'd say suddenly to King.
<Gavin> To Zamora, there, lapping at the floor, he breathes in and *roars.* It's not a human man shouting--
it's the lungs and throat of a Siberian tiger housed in a man, and that roar? At a frequency that literally
sends the 'panic' button off in the brain. It's been tested.
<Aissa> That's the most unsexy thing ever, certainly she resists because he's a scary TIGER thing and smells of
nasty, horrendously nasty amp from the splash that Miss Fluorescent dust runner threw at him. Aissa wriggles,
a bit deafened by the noise and the crackle of the fire, not to mention the trouble that she has in simply
breathing. Her eyes burn, nose stings, her reaction? *SQUEEZE* with all of -
<Aissa> - her might in a frantic attempt to get away, not making Gavin's attempt at heroics any easier. It's
very fortunate that she hadn't accepted the shotglass, otherwise there'd have been even more serious
<Shinn> No, you just let Sean drink BOTH your glasses. Now amped Shinn has to fight a double-amped Sean!
* `Christian saw that she was struggling... he kept the disc steady.... using his crystal to keep her grounded
on the disc... he thought she was just freaking out so he'd have to get her to safety... so he flew them away
from the scene... Mihea... Mihea its alright!
* `Sean raised his hand at the resistence of Shinns powers, three blades forming neatly over his fingers. SNAP.
WZZZZzz.. from so very close he sent these atoms-wide blades whirling at SHinn's body.
* Zamora And oh yes Zamora's panic button hadn't just been pressed by that roar it had been smashed, broken,
you know in that was where it's pushed all the way down and won't come back up? Zoooooooooom she'd race for
the nearest exit Brushing passed several people and effectivly swapping powers! lets see... Gavin and...
Ristan! Aissa and... king! jubal and Mask! and thats about it.. yep not everyone -
<Zamora> - once outside she run off into the night unless someone'd chase and catch her.
<Shinn> He just grins darkly as his body turns into a black flame, only to break apart as the blades fly the
spot where he once was...forcing Sean's wings to suddenly slam down against the spot where he was, his flame
remanifesting about three feet behind Sean and solidifying into his normal form once more. "Boo." he grins
darkly, before diving down from above in an attempt to drive his knee into -
<Shinn> - the gayboy's lower back.
<Zamora> mihaela not mask oops>>
<Mask> (I did what now?)
<`Sean> Two could play this game, sean's body was nothing but force energy now, a hole formed where shinn's
leg was meant to strike, then closed around his leg like a bear trap, to hold him fast. Force-field energy
would start rapidly spreading up Shinns leg to encase him further, and Sean would do some freaky shit and
turn his body backwards, his face popping out the back of his head.
<Zamora> i tab goofed nothing you did>>
<Mindfreak> You didn't, but your blaming you anyway for your comment in Salem :P)
<Mindfreak> We're blaming you
<Shinn> Omg, he's the T-1000.
<Mask> (You deserved that mental image and you know it.)
* Miheala was indeed freaking out ever trying to get away from Christian. She wasnt thinking about her own
safety. She fought physically before the telepathy hit him as if she had more stronger hands pushing at him.
Her eyes blacking as if she had been hit blood vessles ruptering as the minds become too clear. All the
thoughts lusts desires terrors anger all at once was too much for the small Egyptian --
<Miheala> -- girl. As Christian got her further and further away some of the connections began to break. Where
was he taking her? Was any where safe? Her screams did not cease as his history rolled in her head. From rich
boy to mutant. As the power switched she calmed a bit but her hands grew glasslike claws. These powers she
didnt know at all. The minds were gone the logs dropped to the ground and --
<Miheala> -- Christians history stopped dead. The darkness though began to envelop ther and Christian.
<Shinn> "BURN." is his simple response to what he's just seen, grinning as his eyes flare golden once more.
That knee trapped in his stomach was useless at this point, but the rest of his body...he had use of his
arms, and that's all he needs. Holding a hand out infront of that face with his palm extended, the pyro
channels his power into his arms before roaring as a dark purple blast of fire erupts -
<Shinn> - from his hand. Yes, he's going to hit Sean with a fireball at point blank range.
* `Christian could feel her screaming in his mind as they went lower and lower in the trees... oh crap... she'd
been hit with AMP... it was the only thing that made sense... maybe he was infected too... but he was still
drunk... he couldn't think straight... so he did the first thing that popped into his head... he brought his
hand around to the back of her head and CLONK.... he'd lay her out>>
<Gavin> Squeeze, "*Aissa STOP,*" snarled, jogging her out from the bar, hands gripping, pulling, keeping her
from crusshing too hard-- once out in the parking lot, he's blurting, switched? Aissa's sat down to her feet,
he's still got her by the wrist though, hauling her to his old bike, "You mek to be human, with bracelit,
kennot ride with tail," he's telling her, and as he does so, his stripes are fading, as is the pronounced
appearance of hi
<Gavin> vivid, feral greens? Drift to a far more normal hue, claws upon his hands shrinking, smoothing to
normal nails. He blinks, exhales hard, panting, sweaty from this whole THING, looking to his hands, "-----"
Blurted *river* of Russian, littered in swears.
<`Christian> <<before it was too late, he'd knocked plenty of people out before there was a trick to it...
thankfully he still knew THAT at least
* Mindfreak is now known as MasterMold
<Ristan> Ristan suddenly felt different. Unsafe. Skittish. Hightened sense of smell. Better vision. This was
going to take some getting used to. "Hey you." He said to Gavin, moving over to him and Aissa. "I need you to
stay with me. It's important. You're going to be a hero." How did he know Gavin had his powers? He knew how
Luna worked.
* Zamora Frenzied, she ran down Salem... not in the streets mind you she was built for climbing and gliding!
Zamora was up on the roof tops jumping from building to building, away from the fire, away from the
predators... there were 3 of them there 3!!
* Aissa is now a DOGGIRL
* Aissa finds that to be ten kinds of sexy.
<Gavin> (Best post of the night)
* Aissa knows.
* MasterMold has quit IRC (Quit: Need Sleep for new job position, and new hours.)
* Jubal stumbled and fell as he was exiting the bar, blinking, his eyes closing tight. He was suddenly blind.
No, not blind. Everything was dim, so dim. He tried to force all the emotions that he couldn't sort through
down, out of his mind. He gripped the amp and pushed up, carrying himself from the building, moving to find
his bike. He fell against it, as he opened his saddlebags to dump the amp =
<Jubal> = into it. He blinked as the amp started to rise out of the saddleback, and hurriedly shut the bag. He
leaned against his bike, trying to force those thoughts that weren't his out. He couldn't. What the hell
<Gavin> "Aissa, you--" Dog. No longer a snake. Too overwhelmed. Hey you! Slackjawed, he looks to Ristan--
"Wot-- wot hero. Ned her sef," he blurts, pointing to Aissa, "Wot do."
<Aissa> Aissa is terrified and clinging, squeezing tight with strong serpentine grip of a constrictor snake,
anymore pressure and ribs might have br--Wait? There's a hissing sound of scales sloughing, falling, giving
way to fur, soft and plush coat of tawny brown and black sliding over the thick serpent girl's body.
Serpentine snake tongue ceases to exist, and her mouth? Jaws have become stronger, teeth -
<Aissa> - a little longer and more pronounced, thick ivory canines in place where constrictors graspign teeth
once were. Her tail wags, *wags* behind her and she looks at her hands stupidly, then at Gavin, "You have
normal eyesss now," she blurts out, with all the intelligence of a 3 year old.
<Ristan> "Think about making a big fan and face the burning building. You're going to put out the fires."
Ristan then picked up a bunch of debris from all around. "Are you ready? Keep thinking about a giant fan."
* `Sean grinned and took the blast of flame to the face, it took out most of hishead, that quickly grew back...
mostly. Sean suddenly pulled away from Shinn, screaming and holding his face. The amp was wearing off, he was
crashing. He fell through the air, wind whistling by as he carreened to his death (plz catch sean kthx)
<Shinn> He notes that the field around them was breaking apart, and he was starting to struggle with his
flames...he knew it was wearing off, and the bloodlust was fading fast. He had little time at this point, as
he dove down with only his legs aflame, using gravity to increase his speed to try and catch Sean in his own
arms before soaring down towards the ground. "Idiot, you shouldn't pick a fight -
<Shinn> - with something you can't kill!"
<Gavin> "You-- you hev--- you are poppy," just as dumbly--- giant fan, his brows knit, think about a giant fan,
face hte burning the building, "Wot-- fen? Fen, ned *water,* fen mek more flame," he blurts to Ristan, an
overwhelmed shake of the foreigner's head, "Would be like blow on fireplaz, would-- wouldn't it?"
* James_Arden has joined #Cobalt*MA
* `Sean was just tremblingly holding the left side of his face, he didnt really even care about falling to his
death right now. "Ahhn...godithurts you burned me ahg.." it hurt it hurt burns hurt and they didnt stop
hurting and he didnt even care that he was ugly now if it would just stop fucking hurting
<Shinn> "Quit complaining, damn it! You tried to kill me!" he growls as the teenage firedemon's arms snake
under Sean now, one arm under his knees and the other under his shoulders as he soars back down to the
ground, landing near the carpark of the Hammer. He was exhausted physically, and he didn't know what else to
<Ristan> "Maybe. But if you make strong enough wind it will put it out. Like a hurricane does." Ristan said.
Extra strength. He found picking up the bits of debris he had to be pretty easy. Well, much more easy than he
was used to. And one handed wasn't exactly the easiest to begin with.
* Sparkie heard around the campus that a group of students headed over to the Broken Hammer.. although they had
been there for a while she figured better late than never, the path to get there from the school was not well
traveled by foot trafic or cars, so she figured she could fly there to get there faster.. However as she got
closer she noticed that there was something worse than a normal bar -
<Sparkie> - fight, it was a mutant bar fight. "Uh.. yeah.. not going to get into this one.." Sparkie ascended
to a safe height to watch the brawl, it was quite entertaining.
* Aissa is too busy fighting off the temptation to sit down and lick her crotch, cant be hero today sorry.
* Xakaria would close her eyes trying to calm her rattled nerves. She definately wished she hadn't come here
tonight. Rubbing her throat as if to soothe it she bumped into someone (someone be bumped into :p?) quickly
mummering apologies trying to clear her head. She saw the fire had gotten worse at the club and wondered if
it was going to go up in flames.
<Shinn> Especially considering one mutant has the lower half of his legs engulfed in now orange flames,
carrying a second mutant's body as he lands by the carpark in a crouch and dropping Sean onto his back. Most
of his clothes were burnt, which left him wondering if...he reaches into his pocket. Yep, it's gone. A melted
piece of technology...Lulu is going to kill him.
* James_Arden has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* James`Arden has joined #Cobalt*MA
<Gavin> Think of a fan, a big fan, "Aissa stey, stey by me, da? Plez? Stay." STAY, SIT, GOOD DOG! THe pun is
unintended. A big fan, a big fan, he sees the big blades, turns to the building-- harder, harder, doing as
Ristan says with these strange, unusual powers, to create a strong gust, stronger, stronger, warily watching
with those bland green eyes, making sure the flames don't stoke or grow.
* `Sean just curled up tremblingly against Shinn, he wanted to pass out from exhaustion but the pain kept him
awake. "It hurts! It hurts as much as when it was hot why is it still burning...' he was mumbling now, barely
<Ristan> "Now we'll make the fan. Keep imagining that fan." Ristan would then throw the debris at Gavin. Debris
after debris after debris. He'd just lob it like a baseball. Ristan's awesome powers would do the rest and
end up turning Gavin into a person fan of debris. The wind would start slow of course, but with more stuff
added... who knows.
<Shinn> The second he withdraws his hand from his pocket, he realizes...it was very charred stitching that was
holding pretty much everything he was wearing together. That slow wind was enough to pretty much blow off
what was left of his clothing, watching it turn to ash in the air with a mutter. "I hate fire sometimes..."
* Jubal was leaning against his motorcycle, blinking as he noticed Shinn landing near where he was. He groaned,
his head starting to pound as he forced the emotions and feelings from him. He kicked the stand of his bike,
thinking enough to get it started and drive it over to where Shinn had landed. He stared at the flame for a
long moment, the pain from it being nothing compared to what he was used =
<Jubal> = to. "Help him get on the back," he muttered to Shinn, trying to focus his thoughts taking up his
attention too much for him to help with it, trying to keep Sean's pain out of his mind.
* `Sean pretty much lost his clothes from turning to energy as well. He really didnt notice that he was being
hauled around nude, mostly that he was half concious and his face wouldnt stop hurting.
* Zamora Run, jump, glide, land. Run, jump, glide, land. That was the steady rythm in her confused and
terrified state. She had no clue where she was going only that it was away from the fire and all the
pradatory ferals... Oh but something did distract the squirrely looking mutant. A scent! It seemed in the
alley between those next two buildings were... Amp dealers. Amp...
<Shinn> With a groan of pain, the now naked fire master picks up the unconscous and similarly naked gay
forcefield wielder, hauling him over to Jubal's bike and saying "Get him to the school...tell Security that
there're people spiking drinks in bars with Amp...tell them to keep an eye on him..." He seems more concerned
for Sean now that he was in a more controlled state of mind, and less -
<Shinn> - concerned for his own safety or the fact that he was butt naked in the city.
* `Sean was naked and only concious enough to know his FACE HURT
<Mask> Thought the bar was in the boonies.
* James`Arden has quit IRC (Quit: You cant touch this!)
<`Sean> (its in the middle of the woods, 20 min from town)
<Zamora> and they was flying all around>>
* King`or`Platinum was cold and curled up in a big lizardy lump. He was significantly smaller as a lizard than
as a dog. Zzzzzz.
<Aissa> Sit girl! Much like a really bad Inuyasha clone, Aissa drops haunches to ground and sits in the most
bestial of ways with knees up and palms pressed flat to ground between her ankles. Ears quirk, she sniffs and
looks around while canid senses pick up all sorts of.. oddities, such as the weird scent of amped up mutants
running, scattering through trees, fleeing, fire and ash, the smell of the -
<Aissa> - woods. Its so much more vivid now than it was as a snake, and most of all? She feels so cozily warm.
Thumping her furry tail against the ground, Aissa sits obediently and watches as winds begin to turn and
rotate around the burning bar, smothering flames and fanning them away.
<Jubal> "Hold on," he snapped at Sean, as he took off on the bike. He didn't go too fast, despite the desire to
make Sean fall off. He had a vague thought that he was going to have to bleach the seat of his bike now, and
his leather jacket. Or throw it out. But he took off down the road, heading back toward the school.
<Gavin> Ristan's hurling shit at him adn at first the Ruskie blurted a rather offended sound, like WHAT THE
FUCK MAN, WHY ARE YOU HURLING SHIT AT ME! But then gradually the ebris forms into 'blades,' and they turn
faster, faster, faster, pushing all of the smoke out of that smoldering building, pushing away the flames,
snuffing them out like a hard puff of air breathed over a candlestick. And he totally felt Aissa sniff
<Gavin> his ass. >:|
* Zamora mauls those amp dealers and swapped them for good measure, sending the quadclops and the feathery
haired delinquents running away in occular confuison. Zamora then drank some of those precious Amp vials. The
rest were tucked safely inside her pouch for later. After that it was back to the roof tops for more running.
* Aissa did not.
* Aissa okay.. maybe she did.
<Shinn> One of those previously amp'ed mutants is presently struggling to stay on his feet, cold and naked as
he slips back and away from the two before turning towards Aissa, Gavin and Ristan. "Thank god...you're
all...o...kay..." and with that, he collapses onto the ground with a painful sounding thud. His leg was in
pain, and the exhiliration of feeling his body become pure fire, splitting and -
<Shinn> - reforming...he wanted to taste that power again.
* Xakaria rubbing her temples she watched near a tree Gavin, Ristan, & Alissa from a safe enough distance but
she would blink hearing what she thought the sound of a siren from the distance. At least there was hope for
the place. She heard Shinn & blinked as he collapsed. Frowning she glanced between the three before glancing
to Shinn again
* `Sean just clung weakly to Jubal. There was nothing gayer than riding nude on the bitch seat of a motorcycle.
<Sparkie> "Geeze, what the hell are they doing down there? Seriously hope nobody gets killed... but it's just
too damn entertaining to stop watching whats going on down there." Her body was laying horizontally paralell
to the action on the ground, just below the clouds, the light of the smoldering building was more than enough
for her to see what was going on.
<Ristan> "There you go." Ristan finally finished tossing debris as he had run out of it. Good thing Shinn made
a hole or they'd never have gotten anything done. Ristan then moved to sit down on the ground behind Gavin.
"When you feel like the fire is out, think about a machine gun and aim the debris at the ground near the
<Shinn> The asian boy's toned, scarred and naked form lays silent on the pavement, fists clenched as he
struggles against his own mind...a sheer force of will, if you will, to fight the newfound addiction to the
energy drink he despises so much. His body was craving it, his mind was demanding it...but somewhere inside,
he knew he couldn't let himself drink it again.
* Zamora continued her mad dash across the rooftops, stopping only when she scented more of that lovely orange
drink... Then it was just a question of whether said mutant was alone and what powers he possessed
<Gavin> "Da--" Fire extinguished, he turns, slowly-- machine gun, indeed, rat-a-tat-a-tat, the debris flies,
burries into the ground, or slides along the surface of ground and grass and dirt. Once it's all quelled,
Gavin is left breathing heavy, swallowing, rubbing his face-- "Wh-- how-- ken hurt, with thes? Thes powers.
Es good we hed way put out fire, I think," huffed, kneading his nape, looking weary-- lucky to have only
<Gavin> gotten a dashed sip of the stuff. D: "Aissa, you are okay? Fozzy poppy," he hufs, wan tug of a laugh,
leaning down enough to catch her ear and rub its base. ._. "Think is okay to go?" He asks of Ristan.
* King`or`Platinum has quit IRC (Quit: <@Krieg> Sometimes he pulls his pants down just below his ass and
wiggles his butt at me in a pseudosensual manner. <@Krieg> And then when I try to pin him down and fuck him in
the ass he yells at me. <Zoe> I had sex with a dog, once.)
<Ristan> "I would suggest going back to Cobalt. The police will arrive soon, and if they find you, you'll
probably end up being arrested and questioned." Ristan nodded some, moving to lean against the now put out
building wall. His sharpened senses telling him that the smoke smelled way worse than it ever used to. He
flicked his cigarette again, half of it fell off as ash.
<Aissa> And amidst all of this, she wasn't terrified nor was she cold and frozen. Poor King was out there a
frozen lump of reptile, forced to suffer through being a widdle chubby lizard for an uncertain amount of
time. Gavin rubs her ear, which pricks up and pivots against the joint where it meats the skull, head tilting
into scritches appreciatively. "I feel so *warm*," she gushes, in doggie heaven. -
<Aissa> - "I.. I can talk normally!"
<`Sean> (is someone going to pick up the unconcious naked azn?)
<Zamora> or stop Zamora from mauling druggies? >>
<Shinn> (No, because they all hate him for blowing up the bar.)
<Ristan> (Yus.)
<`Sean> *A large tattooed biker picks up the naked boy and wraps him in a blankie and drives him back to cobalt
in his rapist van
* Xakaria she'd crotch next to Shinn not sure if she should touch him or not. Grabbing a seed she closes her
eyes and works the seed slowly to grow into a bed of flowers wrapping around him to protect him fro the
elements. She'd study him before slowly standing biting hard on her lower lip to keep from breaking
<Xakaria> (lmfao Sean)
<Aissa> (LMAO)
<Xakaria> crouched ^^:)
<Xakaria> typo ;p)
<Zamora> D:>>
<Gavin> A nod, he huffs, swallows, rubbing his hand through his hair-- "Oh ah-- wotch wot you et," he tells
Ristan, "Kep meat rare, et only vegetobble end frut. Will get sick if not." A small salute off his brow, and
he's tugging weary, tired, drained smile to Aissa. "You com ride bek with me. Bike hes bek set." Ahh, the
gloriuos of a thick accent. He hates the way he feels-- is sense of smell, he feels like he can barely smell
anything. His h
<Gavin> can barely smell anything. His hearing? COmparatively muffled. "My nem's Gavin-- com find on campus if
hev trobble, da?" called back to Ristan, moving to that old bike, luckily left unscathed, as were most of the
vehicles in the lot.
<Shinn> Even at close proximity, she can feel the warmth of his form...no matter what he does, he can't control
that. He's constantly warm...the bed of flowers wrapping around him, making him murmur the name 'Lulu' due to
the familiar scent...he doesn't look too hurt, but he looks exhausted. Very, very exhausted.
<`Sean> except gavins scooter, which had a huge melted crater in it.
<Gavin> 2l8
<Ristan> "Will do." Ristan said, then gave Gavin and Aissa a wave. He then would begin walking over toward
Shinn and his bed of snuggly flowers along with the woman that was apparently trying to decide on wether to
plant-tentacle the guy. "Hey. Gunna bring him to the doctor. So... Cool?" He nodded at Xakaria.
* Xakaria would feel the warmth but was almost glad for it having been stupid enough not to bring something in
case it got cold on the walk home. "Noo Not lulu sorry to disappoint you Shinn" She'd glance up thankfully
having hard Ristan come near her & didn't loose her concentration. "Logically, But I don't think I have the
concentration to go walking back to school & levitate him in his bed of flowers the whole way there.."
<Xakaria> heard not hard ^^:)
<Aissa> And after all of that DRAMA and fighting, Aissa isn't a hero, but she is one happy puppy. The boys are
speaking of returning to campus, but she's scratching at her ears with one foot, mildly annoyed. Did King
give her fleas too? Finally, she hops up to her feet, tugs a bit at her dress which is feeling TIGHT and
stretched dangerously at the seems due to growing a bit taller. Apparently King's -
<Aissa> - mutation was size related too as Aissa is no longer her usual stature of 5'8 but six foot flat--bare
foot as well. "Okay, we will go back to school." She's forgotten in all of the rush that she was meaning to
AVOID Gavin.
* Sparkie saw firetrucks, a few news choppers in the air moving toward the building along with police vans and
patrol cars. "That's my cue.." and with that she took off at maximum speed for campus, flying as high as she
could over the choppers before moving toward the campus and landing next to the infirmary.. there was going
to be some hurt people and she wanted to make sure everyone was ok.
<Ristan> "That's fine. Carrying him is alright." Ristan would kneel down. He gave Shinn a pat on the chest
before moving to pick the guy up. One handed sucked, but he could manage. "You should get going before the
cops get here. Don't worry about us."
<Lukas`> Out in Salem, for reasons only he really understood..was Paul. Driving around, looking for something
it seemed. Okay..damned google maps, useless thing. He mumbled to himself as he took a series of right turns,
followed by left turns..followed by some forward, then some swerving, then some horn honking. Okay..he was
pretty much completely lost.
<Gavin> Swing of long leg over that long leather seat, he tugs the helmet off the handlebars and hands it to
her, huffing, "Toll pup. Does et fell different, then skells?" A little lackluster, from the strain, the
tension, the -shit- that's come down. Plus he's pretty sure his job is lost as quick as he got it. Once she's
buckled her helmet on, Gavin starts the old BMW motorbike, putputput VRRRNNNNN, and away they go, peeling to
the road, back
* Xakaria would shake her head. "No, I'll come with. I owe him one so to speak, he is the first strangly enough
that I met at the academy, the rest..including yourself..yah..anme.." She'd extend a hand before glancing to
Shinn.. "Xakaria..name..yah..shutting up now" She'd mutter and work the flowers around Shinn slightly tighter
working the petals against his flesh, the flowers a healing one used specifically for wounds slowly worked th
<Gavin> they go, peeling to the road, back to Cobalt.
<Xakaria> but she was no healer, she knew herbalism, and was glad to be of some use medically when it came to
the basics of first aid (end)
* Zamora She had some blood on her claws now too as well as her fangs, and a jingling pouch full of Amp vials.
The dealers she'd attacked hadn't had too many smple of the drink probbaly thanks to those laws... Her pouch
held a nice round six amps now. and Weeeeeeeeee she'd glide overhead from building to building. Where was she
going now though? Well back to the school and her room safety was there. -
<Zamora> - Home was there... She could stash the drinkies and gaurd them better in a familiar place.
<Ristan> "Really, everything is alright." Ristan then started a jog to get into the woods before the cops
managed to get there. He was carrying Shinn like he was pretty light. It was weird having enhanced physical
attributes. "It's alright, really. You'll just slow me down. Head back to the school, he'll be there soon."
<Lukas`> Hey! Find the gas pedal man! Hooooonk! Hooooonk! Was what pauls car said to a middle aged woman in an
SUV infront of him on a deserted street. He looked up, and thought he saw something gliding above him.
Jeez..pigeons are big this year..
<Aissa> With any luck, King and Tammy have hellified arson insurance.... They must have been paying quite a bit
for it to be a mutie bar anyway. Aissa is undeniably cozy, and while she doesn't NEED to snuggle against a
heat source, but as a puppygirl? It's a rather enjoyable activity now. "It is very different. I think I like
to feel warm... but I miss scales." Aissa has the sinking suspicion that this -
<Aissa> - won't last forever, and doesn't particularly want it to, but for now she'll cling to gavin for dear
life and enjoy being something different.
* Xakaria would just blink.. "Well nice to meet you to" She muttered, the flowers as Ristan ran with Shinn
would slowly 'disolve' or 'fade' she could only keep her flora up to a certain range, half a mile that was
bout it. She turned starting to jog towards the Academy when a B&W flashed their lights. Inwardly groaning
she'd glance to the cop who stepped out of the car. "What are you doing out this late?" She heard the cop
ask. "Taking
<Xakaria> She dug for idea handing it to the police woman who eyed her. "were you at the bar a couple blocks
away when it caught fire" Inhaling softly she frown. "Fire? Really I hope everyone is alright" she was given
her ID back and the woman sent her on her way after a few more questions. She'd be happy to take a xanax once
back at school, she hated taking meds for her nerve's but tonight, no problem.
<Shinn> And the young sleeping pyro...sleeps. Strangely comfortable until the flora disappears, and then what's
Ristan holding him by, huh?
* Zamora yup she glided over Paul's head high above atop some buildings. and oops! a single vial slipped out on
her way which would head right down for Paul's poor noggin
<Ristan> His hair. No, Ristan picked him up from underneath. Once they were out of sight of anyone, though,
Ristan put Shinn down and gave him a light smack. "Hey. Wake up. You remember anything?" Ristan let out a
soft hmming sound. This was going to be a pain, and Shinn was naked. Poor scarred mind.
* Goth has quit IRC (Quit: quit.)
<Shinn> WHAP! "Ow! Go away, Iris." he mumbles in his sleep, before cracking an eye open. Looking up at the
short-haired one-armed man, he mumbles "You aren't Iris...and I'm really very thirsty- No...no...mustn't..."
he shakes his head a little to try and clear his head, then says softly "...enough to know what I did."
<Ristan> "Hmm. Shame. Maybe a good kick in the head would do it. Wake up, ya lazy ass. We have walking to do."
Ristan wasn't buying that Shinn was half dead. He'd seen the dude survive a lot more than that crud.
<Shinn> He growls in pain as he climbs to his feet, then hisses in pain. His knee was still sore from being
buried in Sean's back...his body felt like it had drained almost all his power, and he was having trouble
staying upright. Regardless, he was doing as asked. "Where...are we going...?"
<Lukas`> Thunk! The heck?! Paul looked down into his lap at the Amp vial there, and frowns. Ugh, its raining
this stuff now? Jeez.. And with a flick of his wrist, he tossed it out and onto the sidewalk, where it would
shatter with a loud -Smash!-
* Zamora if he'd paid closer attention ipwards Paul might have recognized the siloette of his girl friend
before she'd land on another roof top and run off for her next jump point. And she hisssssed when that vial
had fallen out. Pausing to tuck them into her pouch better, she didn't want to loose any more. She only had
five now. Five!
<Ristan> "Depends on you. You can stay here, or go back to the school. Pick one." Ristan was already walking in
a direction though, not really waiting for Shinn. The school was their destination. Though, Ristan had a
couple other plans to carry out first.
<Shinn> He gives Ristan a look for a moment, before deciding that his chances of survival were higher if he
stuck close to the man. He begins walking as he shakes his head, holding a palm against his temples as he
mumbles "The addiction's strong...I feel like every part of my body is calling for more Amp..." He didn't
know who he was with, and right now, he didn't care...something else popped to -
<Shinn> - mind not long after. It was drafty. Very drafty- "I burned my clothes off, didn't I."
<Lukas`> He caught the hiss, and blinked. Luna?! That you? The average person in the street would think him mad!
<Ristan> "Yeah. That's why we're walking through the woods. Also, addiction is a mental thing. Drink some water
and think about a hot chick." Ristan continued walking along. Every now and again he would pause as he
smelled something more vibrant than he had ever smelled before. Also, he was smelling scent trails and other
neat stuff. He'd have to figure out how to get a power like this permanently. It <...>
<Ristan> <...> was useful.
* Zamora she didn't answer, she was on a roof top now carfully rearranging the orange drinks. then off again
she went! Bck to shool running jumping and gliding! cause mun is tired and wants to wrap this up before
logging off
<Shinn> "Who are you?" is the next question, more curious as to why a stranger is helping him, secretly very
glad that the trip through the woods was enough to prevent most eyes from seeing him completely naked. This
was worse than the wedding. "And...I'll try that. ... ... ... ... ...I'm going to kill that hot platinum
haired barwench."
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