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Misty Water Coloured Memories - Nick vs Spiders

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:44 pm
by Sisip
(July 2011)

<04Sisip> The streets were unusually quiet for a Thursday in July, the warnings to stay indoors or in groups having put a damper on most of the night time activities. However there was the occasional brave explorer, or even just a dude, making his way home from an Academy. As Jonas walks past an empty alleyway the soft noises of crying could be heard from within the shadows, beyond where the ambient light from the street could reach. An animal? A person? It was almost too quiet to determine, but it seemed to be a steady, soft noise.

<vile> The noise attracts his attention: the scrawny prick looks up and hikes a brow. He glances around to see if anyone else is around. Seeing none, he rolls his shoulders in a shrug and venture on into the alley. It's not like he has anything to worry about. What's the worst that could happen! Nothing! Well, there could be violent rape in there and eating of his face by a moth-thing or some
<vile> other abomination of nature. But...they don't make noise like that! And so he follows the noise, ducking his head down, giving the occasional object a nudge of his foot. For now he says nothing, opting to just scout around by sight.

<04Sisip> Wandering deeper into the alleyway the shadows envelope the obviously less than intelligent, but possibly well meaning fellow. As if sensing help the sound crying grows louder, though at the closer distance it was oddly muffled. A shuffling could be heard in the darkness, shadows shifting around the fellow. A trick of the light? Or... lack there of? His imagination perhaps? As he draws closer to what would be the end of the alley a grey duffle could be seen, laying unattended.. squirming, just a bit.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6She pulls out her cell, checking the time. Not too late, and so far, nothing has happened. Streets were pretty dead though. And if she sees an ambulance, she is walking the hell the other way. No more gorilla fights for her this week, no sir-ee.

<vile> Jonas? Retarded? Actually, he tests out to be a genius! But it's just that the immortality, well, makes him considerably more bold. Or...more stupid! Well then. He continues glancing around, studying the darkness. And he halts then, wary of the black. A quiet groan escapes him and he takes out his cell phone and enables the flashlight app. It makes the screen light up a bright white and he
<vile> holds the phone out, using it to make the things in the dark visible. He continues forward, slower now, more wary. "Is someone back here?" he asks, voice wavering some. There's a jerkiness in his movements, something that indicates his fight or flight mechanisms are going to kick in. Bold though he may be, he's still a coward at heart.

<04Sisip> Tendrils of silky hair seem to brush teasingly against his skin as he moves forward, the strands occasionally glimmering in the light of his phone like tinsel on a christmas tree. A muffled cry is heard from the grey duffle at the end of the alleyway, this was certainly no dog, no cat.. and no Todd (thankfully). As the light flicks around it would appear the alley had been painted grey. At least whomever dumped the duffle was kind enough to colour coordinate. Just beyond Jonas's sight, in the corners of his visions, shadows shift and churn, soft tapping noises occasionally heard, echoing in the nearly empty alleyway.

<vile> Alarms go off in Jonas' head and he glances around from one side then the other. Something doesn't feel right. He's seen enough movies and been in enough bad situations to know when some shit is up. And he edges away from the strands but finds them on the other side too! A step is taken away from the bag, slowly. Cautiously! And he looks about ready to haul ass in the opposite direction.
<vile> But the morbid curiousity still remains: what the fuck is that noise. His black eyes narrow, he eyes some of the strands and opts to find out if they're flammable or not. His lighter is taken out of a pocket, the top flicked open and held under some of the silvery hairs.

<04Sisip> The strands curl upwards, away from the flames that touch them, crackling quietly as the heat melts the silken tendrils. The cry turns into sobbing as the poor trapped soul starts to break down. A tipped over trashcan rattles, the lid falling away from it and rolling, like a tumbleweed, through the alleyway to fall with almost no sound against the grey wall across from it. The shadows churn in the background and with a lurch the bag is pulled to the air. A shriek tears from it, the grey sack rolling a bit. Most observant people would have figured things out by now but Jonas was, on occasion, as thick as a whale omlette. It moves upwards again, the only noise now coming from the cacooned victim.

<vile> Mmm omlette! Jonas? Stupid? Maybe. Or one could blame it on his many...many deaths! And the whole 'doesn't have a single marble left in his head' thing. Aaaat least he's not seeing dead people again! It's...a start. A light goes on over his head and he figures it out. "Oh jesus!" he hisses, a look of terror paling his face. The phone is whipped around to his head and he dials...and it's
<vile> hung up! No, not Delilah, as his initial instinct is. A curse is hissed out and he bolts over to the coccoon, skids to a stop and pulls out one of the many blades on his person, this one from a holster strapped to his left calf. While he dials up Sisip instead, he sets to work trying to get through that damned silk, forgetting his own safety for the moment.

<04Sisip> These weren't your normal B-Movie spiders, no sir! That silk takes some sawing. The cacoon dangles in the air for a moment before suddenly it drops. Not from any blade work but ... the strand of silk coils like rope on the ground. Muffled screaming and more squirming comes from the silken tomb. Poor Jonas, unfortunately for him Sisip isn't answering her phone. Her voicemail rings through asking him to leave a message. So cheery, so peppy and sweet. Shadows shift, moving now, though no noise can be heard. From the darkness above multiple shapes begin to drop, slowly, steadily, silently. If there was ever a time for spooky piano music.. now was it!

<vile> Screaming coccoon! Jonas works faster, swearing under his breath as he tries his best to saw through the damned silk. The phone is set on the ground and he rattles some crap off to the phone: the location of the alley he's in, hesitates and glances around quickly. "I...spiders? I don't know. Get...Eddie or something. Silk is flammable. Person in a coccoon like a grasshopper or something.
<vile> Can't--" he grunts with effort and wrenches at the silk, "--cut through it." he swears again, louder this time, and glances around. The hair raises on his neck and he tenses up again. He goes right back to the task at hand, trying to free the poor bastard in the silken tomb.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6She's currently checking out several of the alley-ways that Todd had ventured down, seeing if any had lingering clues, though can't bring herself to quite go all the way down them like the large cat had. Anything that made german shepard sized cacoons was something not to trifle with. It was also getting darker out...a few more minutes, maybe, and then she'll call up a cab. Hopefully.

<04Sisip> Finally he breaks through, just a bit. As he pulls the blade back for another try fingers appear. Slender, well manicured nails of blood red rest upon jaundiced digits as the woman within screams, clearer now that there was an opening. For Jonas though some signs were best heeded. Instincts bred into us by years of evolution gave us that hair raising alarm process for a reason and when one ignored it one often suffered. So it was with Jonas as the dark shapes dropped further, now visible. Great Dane sized spiders, hairy legs of black and brown striping, burgandy markings along their faces. Multiple glistening black eyes that sparkle in the light of his phone. Four, five of them, dropping from the sky like .. big ... terrifying ninjas. All around the noble Jonas. One closest to him stretches out a thick, hair covered leg, reaching for the man.

* AnE is now known as PeregrAnE_Took
* Tagert`food is now known as Tagert
* PeregrAnE_Took is now known as AnE

<vile> By now his instincts are screaming at him to get out of there! The cowarly man glances at his phone, stares at the fingers and tries to shove the handle of the knife through the opening. By now he knows what's coming. "Hurry up, Sisip." he mutters in a defeated tone and reaches out to stab the end call button with a finger. And he turns around to face the spiders with dignity! For once, he
<vile> does! The dampener is flipped off and he shoves himself hard against the wall to try and get some distance between himself and the spiders. Terror, anger, they both mix within him and stir up some creepiness of his own! Black haze rolls around his feet, crawling up his body in tendrils. Harmless on its own, it heralds his own terrifying rebuttal! Oh if only he hadn't just got off of work.
<vile> Then he'd be better armed like with that portable cannon of a gun he favors. And the retractable katars. But no. Instead he has another knife, a sizable switchblade. Load of help that'll do. The six inch blade is yanked out of his pocket, flicked open and held at the ready.

<@JimTaxis> 6In the darkness, Nick is surely doomed to death at the hands of the great, big, terrifying ninjaspiders reaching down to grasp him into their webs and, ultimately, to devour him! As the woman screams and wails, a droning sound begins filling Nick's ears, increasing in volume, ever louder, until that pulsing, buzzing, humming cacophany is beginning to drown out the sound of the woman's
<@JimTaxis> 6bloodcurdling cries of anguish. Suddenly, a cloud of writhing, living black encapsulates one of the giant spiders, hair and chitin and gore splattering the immediate vicinity. If Nick looks up, against the backdrop of the night sky he might see a humanoid figure that is quickly swallowed up by the cloud, an unnatural, inhuman sound ripping through the alley, sounding as though a dozen voices
<@JimTaxis> 6were snarling as the cloud moves to the next spider.

<04Sisip> The woman within the web continues to scream and sob, even as the knife is received. The cocoon tents out as she stabs at it from the inside, frantically, desperately trying to widen that tear, much to her success. Hands and arms appear, yellowed, and suddenly a mess of chestnut brown hair as her head escapes. The woman's scream fills the night as she claws her way out of the cocoon, nails breaking off against the alleyway floor. She reaches out towards Nick, not even noticing the buzzing and humming, doing anything she can to escape. Without issuing a single sound the spiders retreat upwards or back into the darkness, knocking over bins and boxes as they go.
<vile> Jonas keeps his guard up and stares up at the form above. And he remembers, so very long ago, what had happened when Marlo, Cinder and others engaged a similar insectoid creature. And remembers the damage Marlo had taken from some of the things crawling down his nose and throat. And it's as terrifying as the goddamn spiders. He can do little more than stare, then finally he blinks and
<vile> issues a quick and quite genuine: "Thank you!" Then the woman emerges and bolts for him. The dampener is flicked back on to avoid accidentally attacking her. The phone is snatched up and he reaches out to the woman and retreats along with the spiders. Well, not with them but he still flees! Down the alleyway to safety! Along the way he dials 9-1-1, passing right under where the spiders
<vile> had once been.

<@JimTaxis> 6The cloud of buzzing, flittering death manages to claim another arachnid's life before the rest of them retreat from the alley. Unluckily for Nick, the cloud hasn't disappeared. It explodes out from the alley behind him and wraps around his body, yanking him back in and slamming him up against one of the walls. The cloud slowly takes a humanoid form, a man made of a swarm of insects. A
<@JimTaxis> 6long arm is pinning Nick to the wall by his throat, as the insect-man's face slowly takes form. Large emerald beetles for eyes, wriggling grubs and worms for lips. Its voice sounds like a crowd of people talking, otherworldly and... wrong. "You... sssstink... of death, mutant," 6it snarls, pinning him there against the wall. "Perhapsss... giving you to the ssspiderss would have been a
<@JimTaxis> kindnessss." 6The thing turns its head to the side, watching the woman as she struggles to escape from the alley.

<04Sisip> The sound of sirens in the distance can be heard, drawing ever closer. She may not have answered her phone but the Cobalt Pocahontas at least checked her voicemail. The authorities were on their way well before the 911 call was even thought of. The jaundiced woman lunges for Jonas's hand, sobbing, begging him for the help he already gave her, crazed thank you's slipping from cracked lips. Stumbling down the alley with a single highheeled shoe the woman wails as the dark form of insects bears down on the pair. While Jonas is torn from her grasp the woman falls to her knees and begins to crawl. So close. Just as she hits the lit portion of the alley from the darkness behind them, silently, this time like a B-Movie, silken web shoots forth, striking the woman's leg and holding fast. Her scream, full of terror, fills Jonas's ears, testament to his failure. She's dragged back into the darkness, sounds of abject fear fading as the massive spiders vanish into the night.

<vile> Jonas yelps when he's nabbed and is winded from the collision with the wall, phone dropped to the ground, knocked clear out of his hand. The respawner struggles for breath, coughing heavily. The man's glasses topple from his nose, fall to the ground and crack. His solid black eyes flutter and he looks up, staring at those beetles, into the other mutant's eyes. "Immortal." he gasps and shakes
<vile> his head, "I'm immortal." he glances off to the side along with the other man and groans with heart-breaking disappointment when the woman is nabbed a final time. And he looks back to Swarm and gulps hard. "Please let me go." he begs, a desperate tone in his voice. He doesn't want to die, especially not the way that Marlo and company nearly had.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6Oh, she heard that scream all right. She whirls around on one foot, looking across the street. That alley looked mighty dark.....and now, the sounds of sirens. She removes the covers from the back of her gloves, and heads for the alleyway, praying, -begging-, that it was just two people goofing around, and that scream of terror was just...a playful scream of terror...

<@JimTaxis> 6The thing's head cocks to the side as the woman screams and is dragged into the night, hissing, "Children. Children of an abomination," 6before snapping its head back to focus upon Nick, its grasp on his neck tightening somewhat. "You are immortal... and yet you are not. You will deliver a messsssage, Immortal. We desire our children. Your kind may give them to us, but we will take them
<@JimTaxis> if we musssst." 6Those insect eyes narrow, the swarm's face shoving itself up to almost press to Nick's. Bees, flies, ants, spiders crawl over Nick's flesh as the thing holds him there, as it speaks in that multi-toned voice. "We have sssseen you, Immortal. We ssssee all in the ccccity. We will find you if you do not aids usssss."
* @JimTaxis *aid

<vile> Jonas pales considerably and shuts his mouth tight, not wanting an errant bug to wander in. But it's not like he could really stop one if so willed, as he can't cover every orfice he has! A slow nod, his eyes staring intently into the other man's. "Your children. Do you have any idea where they are? Any information would be a great help." he replies, managing to keep too much terrified
<vile> wavering free from his voice. He amost...sounds calm? Almost. And oh christ there's bugs crawling all over him but he manages to not give in to his instincts and brush them off, flail or try to squish any of them. Noooo way he's intentionally pissing off this guy with stupid things like that! "In the school, META's building, elsewhere?"

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> "Hello? around down there?"6she calls out, pulling out a flashlight from her hip bag, turning it on, peering down the darkened alleyway. "I promise I'm not the heard a womans terrified scream...just making sure everything is okay. it?"6she balls up her free hand in a fist...just in case.

<@JimTaxis> 6The swarm snaps its head to the side as Zevri appears, and then back to Nick/Jonas (heehee). "You will deliver the messsssage, Immortal. Your sssssanctuary holdssss them. We will find you and our children ssssoon." 6Those grub-like lips curl into a wicked smile, a kind of malice that's just not effective from a human face. "We musssst ensure you know that we are not playing gamessss."
<@JimTaxis> 6That's when the pain starts for Nick. It's like a thousand painful stings are hammering into the side of Nick's neck in the course of a few heartbeats. "Suffer your blessssing, Immortal." 6Turning to look at Zevri, the humanoid insect swarm explodes into a gargantuan black cloud, the deafening droning and buzzing filling the air as it rushes past her, enveloping her entire body. If her
<@JimTaxis> 6mouth is open to scream, it will be filled with insects! That will be all the harm that comes to her, however, as the swarm dissipates into the night.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6Lived in the woods. When you are driving around on an ATV, or jumping off a cliffface into the lake, or running from a horde of angry bees, you learn to shut your mouth might fast. She drops the flashlight, as she drops to the ground, hands slapping over her ears, nose pressed as much as possible without breaking it into the ground, waiting for the horror to end.
<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6But never the less, she was going to have horrifying, bug filled nightmares for a long, LONG, time.

<vile> Jonas' eyes flick wide and he's worried that a second woman would perish tonight. But that doesn't happen, not yet at least! The respawner nods and gulps, hard, watching Swarm closely. And then PAIN overwhelms him. He flails then, arms darting up, hand clasping over his neck the moment that he's released. And he falls to the ground, crumpling under his own weight. His mouth opens but no
<vile> noise comes out, his skin and throat already swelling to the point that it silences him. Body stiffening, he curls into the fetal position, every muscle tense, fingers curled into talons. Horrible noises come from him as he struggles to draw breath and both blood and frothy saliva are spat onto the concrete. Seizures overtake him shortly, throwing his body into a wild fit. All while his
<vile> black eyes are still open! He's not dead yet but looks like he will be soon! The guy's phone remains narby, still connected to the emergency system.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6Oh gods...the noise.....even with her ears covered, she could hear that horrifying buzzing and insectoid sounds those nasty little creatures made....but eventually, it faded off, and she would lift her head, doing a quick check, to make sure no more...*shudder* bug swarm was there, prepared to shove her face in the dirty cement again if need be.

<vile> And not much later, Jonas' body jerks and shudders a while longer before going rigid, small quakes overtaking him. The death rattle is soon over and he goes limp, eyes vapidly staring off into the night sky. Some more pink hued froth dribbles from the side of his mouth as the life flows out of his body. The dampener's light flicks off as the unit's sensors pick up that his heart has stopped.
<vile> The color drains from his corpse, leaving him a zombie-like grey color, lips blue. It's clear he's a goner but the shift in color isn't natural! Well, not for a not-mutant, that is.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6She scrambles to her feet, grabbing her flashlight, and beaming it around the alleyway....until it comes across...someone! She rushes over, dropping to her knees, checking for vitals....wait a minute..wasn't this the guy that saved Loe that one night?

<vile> It is that guy! Looks just like him with the only difference being that his glasses are off his face and broken. If she decides to check his wallet, she'll find not only his ID but also a special card that details his mutation. 'Immortal- do not cremate. Return to Cobalt Academy if DOA'. The dead man, well, stays dead! But the swelling around his neck starts to compress, venom flowing from
<vile> the puncture wounds as it's forced out of his body.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6She does indeed, as well as looks for his cell phone, which is on the ground nearby. She checks the phone to see if he had the number for the school. Not much she can do about a dead body, except follow the wishes of his wallet. " can get mad at me later for being callous.."6she says, a bit detachedly.

<Tagert> 6Take his money. Say she found his wallet like that. Do it.

<vile> Yes, there's the number for the school! And personal contacts, each one listed under a single letter, giving no indication as to who they belong to. And the number for the school is also on the back of the special card in the wallet, along with his address and other personal information. The venom continues to flow out, his neck half the size it was before but still no life returns! But from
<vile> the looks of it, that regenerating is trucking along and he might get up and start walking around before the night's over with!